Obama: fie on your steaks; eating bugs is next

What you plan to do on Memorial Day is absolutely anathema to Leftists, Demorats and to Barack Hussein Obama. There should be no fires, no charcoal, no propane, no gathering, no smashing of grass by your feet, no using your heinous C02-emitting vehicles to get to the barbecue and, certainly, there should be no meat involved whatsoever.

There’s the solution. Eat bugs.

That’s not even getting to the point that Obama surely believes celebrating Memorial Day does nothing but promote the oppression of persons globally by Evil America.

Yet, despite that, there is the truth. First, from RickWells.us:

Obama Pitches Alternatives To Meat -That’s Insects, At UN Globalist Food Control Event

On Tuesday Hussein Obama graced the incredibly fortunate people of Milan with his wondrous presence as the location of his coming out as the new globalist spokesperson. They can all tell their grandchildren when they get old about the time they sat in traffic and basked in the Obama greatness as his fourteen car motorcade and police escort passed nearby.

Obama was in Milan to participate in what the organizers billed as the Seeds and Chips Global Food Innovation Summit, a UN effort to control our lives, largely through the climate hoax and with a focus on telling us what we will and will not eat. A portion of the proceedings took the format of Obama sitting and engaging in inane and uninteresting chit-chat with his cook.

Well, let’s stop right there. First, Barack Hussein Obama had to get to the venue in the first place, yes? Why not on a private jet, and why not in a lengthy motorcade whose vehicles spewed tons of C02 into the atmo? From the IJR.com:

Obama Uses Private Jet, 14 Car Convoy to Get to European Climate Change Speech

by Conor Swanberg

Former President Barack Obama traveled to Italy this week to make a speech on climate change at the “Seed & Chips: The Global Food Innovation Summit” in the city of Milan.

It seems like Obama has taken a page out of Leonardo DiCaprio’s book of “do as I say, not as I do” and took a private jet to Milan. Not only that, he had a 14 car convoy to get into the city, which also included protection from above with a helicopter.

It doesn’t end there. According to The Daily Mail, 300 police officers were used to protect the former president.

That would seem to include overtime, stressed budgets, more persons in C02-emitting vehicles and, after all, 14 C02-spewing cars in a motorcade.  All to promote the exact opposite of what Leftists used to demand from others. Just not Barack Obama these days.

Continuing, from RickWells.us:

Obama, the expert on everything, is being a little coy in the initial stages of converting the peasants of the word from meat eaters to bug eaters, warning the commoners that more people on the planet were eating meat, creating the false hazard of the UN boogeyman, unsustainability. Naturally that led him back, as everything does, to a need to control the people based upon the climate.

Obama cautioned against the hazards of too many human carnivores, as he sat cross-legged for a little girl talk with his cook, noting, “People aren’t as familiar with the impact of cows and methane. As people want to increase more meat consumption, that in turn is spiking the growth of greenhouse emissions coming out of the agricultural sectors.”

Barack Hussein Obama — tone deaf as per normal — said:

“No matter what, we are going to see an increase in meat consumption.” He designated developing countries such as China, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam as the culprits. He primed the pump for austerity, stating that more advanced countries would have to teach people to “have a smaller steak” and investigate other ways to reduce their meat consumption. They’ll undoubtedly train us in the same manner they educated us out of our big cars in the seventies with high fuel prices, by making steak too expensive to eat, through taxes and regulations, so all we can afford are the smaller, cheaper cuts.

Guess what? I eat massive steaks and lobster most every weekend. I drive a rather large Kraut Kar with an amazing engine that runs on Premium. Normally aspirated, it still accelerates like a banshee on fire. I drive it hard and I drive it fast much to the dismay of my wife and my personal angel. I was warned: “never drive faster than your angel can travel.” My personal angel can easily keep up with me. We have this pact.

Obama said that eating more steaks leads to ultimate destruction. From Breitbart.com:

Barack Obama: Eating More Steaks Contributes to Climate Change

by Charlie Spiering

Former President Barack Obama warned the world that more people on the planet were eating meat, causing a dramatic rise in climate emissions.

“As people want to increase meat consumption, that in turn is spiking the growth of greenhouse emissions coming out of the agricultural sector,” Obama said, pointing to countries that were consuming more meat.

Cows and methane. Are you serious?

“What is true is that I’m not a vegetarian,” Obama admitted, adding that he “respected vegetarians” but continued to eat meat.

But here’s the ultimate Best Part:

Barack Hussein Obama made $400,000 from a speech he proffered to those he hated on Wall Street on behalf of global punters, a firm called Cantor Fitzgerald. A mere niggling detail not worth mentioning. Right? And wasn’t there more?

Obama Climate Change Speech Earns $3.26 Million for Personal Foundation

by Ben Kew

Former president Barack Obama’s speech on climate change in Italy raised €3 million ($3.26m) in ticket sales for his personal foundation, according to a report from The Times.

Having travelled to Milan in a private jet, Obama settled into a presidential suite at the Park Hyatt hotel, costing roughly €8,400 a night. Meanwhile, his entourage of security occupied two separate floors across the hotel, while his security detail required a convoy of 14 cars, a helicopter, and 300 extra police.

The event, which attracted 3500 people paying €850 a ticket, raised nearly €3 million, all of which will go to the Obama Foundation dedicated to “renewal and global progress.”

Doesn’t this “Obama Foundation” sound suspiciously familiar? Like the — ahem — Clinton Foundation? You know, the place that acquired its funds by having Bill and Hill do the exact same thing — making speeches for hundreds of thousands of dollars a pop?

Obama’s visit to Italy forms part of a series of speeches in which he defends his record in office and attempts to undermine the policies of the Trump administration. In an acceptance speech after receiving the John F. Kennedy “Profile in Courage” award, Obama urged lawmakers to show “political courage” to save his landmark healthcare bill known as the Affordable Care Act.

You get that? “Part of a series of speeches”? At hundreds of thousands of dollars each? Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren carefully disagrees with Obama’s expensive speeches as she speaks with SiriusXM 102 Radio Andy’s program “Alter Family Politics.”

Even Bill Maher and Bernie Sanders weigh in against Barack Hussein Obama.

Once more, the rampant and burgeoning hypocrisy of Leftists and specifically Mr Obama.

In the meantime, enjoy your steak on Memorial Day.

I know I will.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

This was BZ’s second night running the new SHR laptop with Windows 10, and the machine hosed me. I had previously set up the show on Spreaker, filling out the requisite information and, with 7 minutes before broadcast, it told me I had updates ready and forced me into a restart. It took 6 minutes to restart and I was able to open Spreaker and complete filling out the show material with about 10 seconds before the show had to begin at 8 PM Pacific. Furthermore, I lost all my audio cuts with the restart and played the Patton speech so that I could have enough time to reacquire those cuts from the internet as it was playing. Close.

If I sounded a bit rushed and flustered at the beginning of the Saloon, now you know why. Not happy, but made it work.

Tonight in the Saloon we discussed:

  • General George Smith Patton addresses the troops;
  • Damn, it’s hot in the studio again; the official SHR lava lamp is still lighted;
  • President Trump fires FBI Director James Comey; I give background;
  • The chatroom fills out; Conservative LA visits the chatroom briefly; thanks for that;
  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott signs the sanctuary city bill, Leftists go insane;
  • Emmanuel Macron beats Marine Le Pen; France has a new president;
  • France decides it wants the status quo and continues to embrace multi-kulti;
  • Germany’s Angela Merkel larfs maniacally as she is now the official French President By Proxy;

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, May 9th, 2017” on Spreaker.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on Gab.ai @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast. My apologies for not monitoring the chatroom because the second screen wasn’t working yet; it will next week.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.




From the AssociatedPress.com:


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has fired FBI Director James Comey.

In a statement, Trump says Comey’s firing “will mark a new beginning” for the FBI. The White House says the search for a new FBI director will begin immediately.

Comey’s firing comes days after he testified on Capitol Hill about the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s election meddling and possible connections between Russia and Trump’s campaign.

Why were the lines included about the “three separate occasions”? In my opinion, it’s because Comey, instead, went out of his way to inform America that he was in fact investigating President Trump yet, that same day in March of this year, refused to indicate he was investigating the leakers of important classified information. Trump once again proves he broadcasts little about his future moves.

Kimberly Guilfoyle weighs in.

Demorats are, of course, calling this action “Nixonian.” Chuck Schumer, for one. What of these previous quotes from Mr Schumer regarding Comey?

I should remind all those applicable Demorats of this, from the PortlandPressHerald.com:

Democrats call for FBI director to step down

by Karoun Demirjian

They say James Comey stonewalled them when asked if the agency is probing a Russian link to Trump.

WASHINGTON — More Democrats are calling for FBI Director James Comey’s resignation after a closed-door briefing on the intelligence community’s Russian hacking report Friday, during which members say Comey stonewalled them about whether the FBI is investigating alleged links between President-elect Donald Trump and the Russian government.

Democrats accused Comey of being “inconsistent” for refusing to confirm or deny whether the FBI was investigating alleged links between Trump and the Kremlin, despite his willingness to frequently update Congress on the status of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

They described the exchange with Comey as “contentious” and even “combative,” while leaders accused him of using a double standard.

My guess? Advisers to President Trump took him aside and, with Comey’s most recent waffling about the number of Clinton emails, it became the straw that broke a political back. President Trump had finally lost confidence in Comey.

Certainly, Comey was deeply polarizing in the FBI building itself. Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was a polarizing figure as well. In 2015, Dr Jill McCabe, wife of the Deputy Director, ran for state senate in Virginia and in the process took in excess of $700,000 from state Demorats, including a PAC run by long-time Clinton ally, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. The FBI concluded that there was no conflict of interest for Deputy Director McCabe to stay involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. That decision was made by James Comey. Many agents finally concluded that the FBI was completely broken.

This announcement on July 5th of last year regarding Comey’s decision not to forward a case against Hillary Clinton to the DOJ was flawed in the extreme and the beginning of the end for Director Comey.

Judge Andrew Napolitano said this about James Comey back in November of last year.

Judge Napolitano compared James Comey to J. Edgar Hoover — but with much more power than Hoover because of today’s technology. Comey was eccentric and concentrated too much power into an entirely unelected individual.

Just last week, former US Attorney Joe Digenova made the case for the outright firing of FBI Director James Comey to Tucker Carlson.

This is only the second FBI Director to be fired in my recent memory. Then-President Bill Clinton fired William Sessions in 1993.

Trust me, within the FBI building, line-level agents are breathing a collective sigh.

Comey continued to inject himself into politics time and again. His face was in front of TV cameras time and again. He was self-serving time and again. And his firing should have occurred some time ago. He made the FBI everything but apolitical. He was self-indulgent, self-righteous, and became at different points both the Attorney General and the President.

His firing was long overdue.


Texas Governor Abbott signs sanctuary city law

It’s a sad state of affairs when, as Governor Abbott says, you have to sign a law in order to get law enforcement to obey the law.

From the TexasTribune.com:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs “sanctuary cities” bill into law

by Patrick Svitek

Gov. Greg Abbott signed a ban on “sanctuary cities” on Sunday, putting the final touch on legislation that would also allow police to inquire about the immigration status of people they lawfully detain.

Senate Bill 4 makes sheriffs, constables, police chiefs and other local leaders subject to Class A misdemeanor charges if they don’t cooperate with federal authorities and honor requests from immigration agents to hold noncitizen inmates who are subject to deportation. It also provides civil penalties for entities in violation of the provision that begin at $1,000 for a first offense and climb to as high as $25,500 for each subsequent infraction. The bill also applies to public colleges.

The final version of the bill included a controversial House amendment that allows police officers to question a person’s immigration status during a detainment — perhaps including traffic stops — as opposed to being limited to a lawful arrest. It has drawn fierce opposition from Democrats and immigrants rights groups, who are already gearing up for a legal battle against the law.

Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn weighs in on the Texas bill.

Abbott defended the legality of the law Sunday, saying key parts of it have “already been tested at the United States Supreme Court and approved there.”

That could soon come to a test. Sunday night’s signing prompted a fast and negative reaction from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, or MALDEF, which referred to the new Texas law as “a colossal blunder” and promised to fight it, “in court and out.” 

As with most every rule and regulation, there was a distinct reason for its creation.

He had said it was especially needed after Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez announced earlier this year that her department would reduce its cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

Governor Abbott, by the way, makes an excellent and purposely-forgotten and avoided point that almost half of the people crossing our southern border these days are not Mexican. They stem from a much wider variety of countries.

Meaning: the law isn’t racist — though Mexican groups would insist you think that — it is instead protecting lawful Americans within the United States, legal Mexicans included, from those who would act as criminals, do them harm, by simply barnstorming the nation in great numbers.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott takes a step in the proper direction.



Macron wins in France

As of this writing 65% for Emmanuel Macron and 35% for Marine Le Pen.

French unemployment is at 10%. French youth unemployment is at 23%. A French youth is three times more likely to be unemployed than if you walked across a line into Germany. French socialism isn’t working.

France has, it appears, decided that is the track with which they wish to continue.

They will continue to lamprey onto the European Union and they will continue to apologize for the terror attacks that will continue in France as well as the Islamization of the nation. The disaffection will continue as per normal. The EU will continue as will the Euro, for a time.

The French voters decided that this state of Paris is acceptable and doesn’t need to change.

The French voters decided that this state of France is acceptable and doesn’t need to change.

The French voters decided that this state of Paris is acceptable and doesn’t need to change.

Here is a quite interesting take on the French election, and what may be in store for the French in the future, by The Iconoclast.

Katie Hopkins speaks to Tucker Carlson about multiculturalism in general in the UK and the EU.

This election, in retrospect, must be viewed in a fashion similar to that of the current state of Germany — that is to say, in terms of national guilt and shame — national shame and guilt throughout the European Union as well. James McAuley wrote quite presciently about the French election at the UKIndependent.com:

The troubling history at the heart of the French election

‘If you don’t know the history of Algeria, you cannot understand France in 2017’

In subtle and not-so-subtle ways, France’s complicity in the Holocaust and, to a profound degree, its colonial crimes have been defining themes of the most contentious presidential campaign in recent memory. When voters go to the polls Sunday, they will choose between warring interpretations of France’s past as much as between different visions for its future.

You see? Guilt and shame.

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the two candidates in the final round of the vote, are distinct in many ways. Macron, a former investment banker and the darling of Parisian and academic elites, is a boyish acolyte of cosmopolitan Europe; Le Pen, a hard-line nationalist, is an advocate of economic protectionism and closed borders. But rarely are the two more opposed than when they talk about history, as they have done frequently throughout a long and bitter campaign.

Approximately 76,000 Jews were deported from France to the Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Most never returned.

“If there were those responsible,” Le Pen said, “it was those who were in power at the time. This is not France.”

Marine Le Pen is absolutely correct. France now is as responsible for what occurred then as I am responsible for reparations to blacks due to the American Civil War — not to even consider that my forebears fought for the blue.

In one of Macron’s most controversial decisions on the campaign trial, he went in February to Algeria, which France had annexed for 132 years, and called on the French state to apologise formally for its crimes as a colonial power, especially in the bloody war for Algerian independence between 1954 and 1962. France’s history in that war, Macron said in an interview days later, represented “crimes and acts of barbarism” that today deserve to be labelled “crimes against humanity.”

For months, Le Pen has harped on Macron for those three words, accusing him once again in a televised debate Wednesday of “insulting” the French people.

It’s done, it’s over. Further breast-beating won’t change history nor will it appease those who are essentially unappeasable on the issue. Here is what holds France back and could likely quite seriously damage or destroy it in the future.

Benjamin Stora, France’s preeminent expert on colonial Algerian history and a founding member of Paris’s National Museum of the History of Immigration, said in an interview that the outcry over Macron’s declaration has highlighted the ways in which, at least in this election, the past remains present.

“For many people, colonialism has always been a distant abstraction, a peripheral problem,” he said. “But no one today who is honest can see it that way anymore. The question of immigration is a central question in our society and in many ways, the question.”

So many of the problems in French society today, Stora said, stem from the aftermath of France’s colonial history – and the French state’s struggles to integrate immigrants from across the once-expansive French empire.

“If you don’t know the history of Algeria, you cannot understand France in 2017,” he said.

For further perspective, Newsweek.com writes:

At its height in the 1930s, the French empire encompassed some 60 million colonial subjects, from the Caribbean to Southeast Asia. But after decolonization in the 1950s and 1960s, the French relegated imperial racism, slavery and colonialism to the “historical back burner.” The eruption of the history wars finally broke this public silence in the mid-1990s.

Guilt and shame. In France and Germany, for somewhat similar reasons.

We may, overall, draw this conclusion of the European Union. It seems the EU believes there is nothing wrong with being completely subsumed and overtaken by what they call “refugees” and “migrants” — when in fact they are over 95% young Muslim males of combat age — for three massive and overarching reasons: that of 1. Guilt, 2. Shame, and 3. Failure to see the logical extension of this. Human nature.

Mix in GOWP Leftist political and administrative viewpoints and you have the volatile recipe required for the fall of Western civilization in Europe, the desire of which Islam isn’t afraid to say out loud to our collective faces.

This man has a serious warning for the EU and for the US.

You have to hand it to Islam. It’s not shy about telling you precisely what it wants and how it’s going to get there.

I repeat: Islam is not shy about telling you precisely what it wants and how it’s going to get there.

Islam’s leaders are not stupid. They play the Long Game. Western Civilizations frequently can’t see two feet in front of themselves.

This election was for the heart and soul of France. Emotions won and this is what France will get. France will also continue to get deaths by terror. French voters have indicated this is acceptable to them. I haven’t even addressed the “minor” issues such as employment, budget, defense and survival.

Demography is prophecy.

Italy has the lowest birth rate since 1861 with 8.4 per 1,000 people and much or Europe is following the same trend.

Birth rates are far higher in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa, which is where most migrants are coming from.

The notion of using mass migration as a form of stealth jihad is outlined in the Koran, which states, ‘And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance.’ 

To move to a new land in order to bring Islam is considered a meritorious act.

I shake my head.