Sources: Obama went outside US to surveil Trump


The Justice Department on Monday asked lawmakers for more time to gather evidence related to President Trump’s claim that former President Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower’s phones during last year’s presidential campaign.

The House Intelligence Committee said it would give the Justice Department until March 20 to comply.

Current and former administration officials have been unable to provide any evidence of the Obama administration wiretapping Trump Tower, yet the president’s aides have been reluctant to publicly contradict their boss.

I wrote at length about the situation here, on March 6th. Other sources have confirmed the allegation.

Continuing, there are additional sources tending to lend credence to the wiretapping, as revealed by Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Napolitano said, “[T]hree intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command. He didn’t use the NSA. He didn’t use the CIA. He didn’t use the FBI, and he didn’t use Department of Justice. He used GCHQ. What the heck is GCHQ? That’s the initials for the British spying agency. They have 24/7 access to the NSA database. So by simply having two people go to them saying, ‘President Obama needs transcripts of conversations involving candidate Trump, conversations involving president-elect Trump,’ he’s able to get it, and there’s no American fingerprints on this.”

One video I was told to watch was this, wherein Mark Levin sets an argument for the wiretapping of Trump.

Senator Rand Paul also happens to think it would have been relatively easy to wiretap Donald Trump.

I’d like to make this point obvious for those who may not know. The days of trying to access some kind of big closet or room with lots of copper connectors are over. You no longer have to physically access that room covertly and then attach any number of alligator clips and check your buttset. Most phone systems in business and agencies run VOIP, which is Voice Over Internet Protocol. Right. The internet. Go figure.

Folks, this is not yet done, not by a long shot.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, March 14th, 2017

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sackheads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.

Tuesday night we discussed:

  • MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow becomes the new Geraldo Rivera Safe Act;
  • Marine LePen skewers French journalist;
  • Martha MacCallum skewers frothing Leftist Jason Pollock;
  • AG Sessions drains the Obama US Attorney swamp;
  • Judge Robart does nothing to kill Trump’s 2nd travel stay;
  • Wisconsin judge interferes with same, just a wee bit;
  • There were Happy Stories and Good Times

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, March 14, 2017” on Spreaker.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast.



By next week, I hope to have a 60s lava lamp in the studio for a bit of that “throwback” feel. Can a black light poster, incense, a velvet painting of dogs playing cards or a mirror ball be far behind?


AG Sessions pulls the first swamp drain-plug, asking Obama attorneys to vacate


Sessions asks 46 Obama-era U.S. attorneys to resign

by Joel Schectman and Mark Hosenball

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions abruptly asked the remaining 46 chief federal prosecutors left over from the Obama administration to resign on Friday, including Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who had been asked to stay on in November by then President-elect Donald Trump.

Although U.S. attorneys are political appointees, and the request from Trump’s Justice Department is part of a routine process, the move came as a surprise. Not every new administration replaces all U.S. attorneys at once.

Stop. Please notice what is emphasized and what is de-emphasized. It is emphasized that the event was a surprise. It was not much emphasized that it is customary for new administrations to replace the US attorneys as they are political appointments and thusly connected by prevailing political prairie winds. When Demorats do it, the process is all well and good. When a conservative or a Republican does it — as George Bush did — the process is now evil on its face. As expected, Leftist news organs went ballistic.

Gloriously, CNN’s Don Lemon saw a conspiracy behind every bush — or was it Bush? Sean Hannity knows all, sees all, and pulls the strings of DC from the Fox News studios.

Then there are the US attorneys who, apparently, are superior to others. From the

New York federal prosecutor Preet Bharara says he was fired by Trump administration

by Devlin Barrett, Sari Horowitz and Robert Costa

Preet Bharara, one of the most high-profile federal prosecutors in the country, was fired Saturday after refusing to submit a letter of resignation as part of an ouster of the remaining U.S. attorneys who were holdovers from the Obama administration, according to people familiar with the matter.

“I did not resign,” Bharara said on Twitter. “Moments ago I was fired. Being the US Attorney in SDNY will forever be the greatest honor of my professional life.”

On Friday, acting deputy attorney general Dana Boente began making calls to 46 prosecutors asking for their resignations. Such requests are a normal part of a transition of power from one administration to another, and about half of the 94 Obama-era U.S. attorneys had already left their jobs.

Stop. So you see the difference in reporting? Reuters intimates it’s non-standard to expect letters of resignation and to accept them. WaPo says it’s a “normal part” of the transition.

Further, Mr Bharara believes he’s superior to other USAs and, as a result, doesn’t have to submit a letter of resignation. When subsequently fired he becomes shocked, shocked I tell you. Then, after wits collected, he stated he was proud of his “absolute independence.” This is LeftShockSpeak for “shit, I have to say something.”

Another point about USA Preet Bharara. It was he who prosecuted Dinesh D’Souza for election fraud (thank you, Pat Dollard) because D’Souza is a conservative and was a critic of the Obama administration — as was revealed in his newly-released case files.

“All animals are equal. Some animals are more equal than others.”

Could it also be that any number of these USAs should be removed due to incompetence? In my opinion that would be applicable to US Attorney Zachary Fardon in Chicago, who is noteworthy (or should I say infamous) for this:

Fardon became Chicago’s “top federal prosecutor on Oct. 23, 2013,” and has been heavily criticized for his lack of prosecution of federal gun law violations.

Fardon played up “his office’s role in fighting gun violence on the streets of Chicago” but a Chicago Sun-Times report on “court records in October 2016 showed federal weapons charges in Chicago had actually fallen slightly over the previous five years.”

The Sun-Times report squares with the experience of the Chicago Police Board. During a January 7 interview with NPR, police board chairwoman Lori Lightfoot said Chicago needed more federal prosecutions if they were ever to turn the tide on the city’s gun crime.

Lightfoot said:

We need to have more federal gun prosecutions in Chicago. Our federal partners from the U.S. attorney’s office, the ATF, the FBI need to be much more invested in this overall strategy. Chicago Police Department cannot tackle this issue by itself.

A final note of interest. Whilst the Demorats and Leftists wring their palsied hands over the terrible treatment by President Trump of the US Attorneys, President Clinton purified and cleansed the AG’s offices throughout the fruited plain in 1993 — including US Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama Jeff Sessions, who had been appointed by President Ronald Reagan and served President George H.W. Bush as well. Clinton ejected those USAs produced under Republican regimes — and had every bit of authority to do so. Let’s listen.

The bottom line is that none of this needs to be justified by the Trump administration. It’s how the game is played and the “mainstream media” or what I term the American Media Maggots have and will not tell you anything about the history of events like this. They want you to believe that everything occurs in a vacuum and is totally unprecedented. The American Media Maggots possess what I term a purposeful Historical Alzheimers.

That is why I say that the American Media Maggots have historically worked long and hard to earn their sobriquet of Fake News.

They are proud of the way they have acted and are acting now.

As conservatives, these common maneuvers are exactly what we expected of Donald Trump and, further, is precisely why he was elected.

“The spice must flow,” and the swamp must be drained.



Wisconsin judge interferes with 2nd Trump travel stay

But not nearly to the extent that did Judge Robart in Washington state, and with a fraction of the prior focus on President Trump’s second travel stay, Executive Order 13769 (Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States).


Revised Trump travel ban suffers first legal blow

by Josh Gerstein

Federal judge in Wisconsin blocks impact on Syrian family as other courts mull broader relief.

President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban executive order suffered its first legal setback Friday as a federal judge blocked the directive’s potential impact on the family of a Syrian refugee living in Wisconsin.

Madison-based U.S. District Court Judge William Conley issued a temporary retraining order at the request of the Syrian man, who is referred to as “John Doe” in court filings. The judge, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, said Trump’s new executive order cannot be used to delay the man’s effort to bring his wife and 3-year-old daughter from the wartorn country to the U.S., but is limited to the individuals involved in the case.

As you can see the effect is limited in scope and quite pointedly focuses on one Syrian man’s family.

Do not doubt, however, that every Leftist and sympathetic federal judge aren’t in deep talks at this very moment in an attempt to craft the perfect eliminatory argument.

The major differences between the first and second Trump EO:

  • Iraq is no longer included as a banned country as it will provide extra vetting;
  • Iran, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Somalia are still included in the travel stay;
  • Green Card holders may enter even if from the above listed countries;

Other differences include:

President Trump signed a new travel ban Monday that administration officials said they hope will end legal challenges over the matter by imposing a 90-day ban on the issuance of new visas for citizens of six majority-Muslim nations.

In addition, the nation’s refu­gee program will be suspended for 120 days, and the United States will not accept more than 50,000 refugees in a year, down from the 110,000 cap set by the Obama administration.

One the most significant unmentioned differences? The absence of national protests. Do we see a tiny crack in the Leftist/anarchist armor?

Judge Napolitano weighs in on President Trump’s second Executive Order:

Surely there will be more to come.



Lockheed’s SR-91 Aurora

Was there, could there, ever be a replacement for the Lockheed Skunk Works SR-71?

Temporarily, there is. Lockheed’s SR-91 Aurora. Or is there?

Probably one of the most incredible examples of the analog age, the technology behind the Lockheed SR-71 begs a post which I am, actually, in the process of writing. The entire SR-71 program, massively expensive, was taken down — in retrospect — way too early in consideration of the inefficiencies of satellites.

I would refer you, as I display here, to a LeWeb 2012 talk given by a “sled driver” named Brian Shul who lives in Chico, California, not far from Beale AFB where he was assigned as an SR-71 pilot.

An amazing individual with an amazing life, Shul was one of literally a handful of persons privileged and trained to fly the SR-71. After watching the video below about the SR-71 you’ll come to understand what an astounding accomplishment it was to even build the craft, much less make it as efficient and successful as it was.

The SR-71 became an analog aircraft in a digital world that succeeded beyond anyone’s and everyone’s expectations.

Finally, is the SR-91 Aurora a myth?

In 2006, renowned aviation writer Bill Sweetman had stated and derived to a conclusion that, “This evidence of 20 years of examining budget “holes”, unexplained sonic booms, plus the Gibson sighting , helps establish the program’s initial existence. My investigations continue to turn up evidence that suggests current activity. For example, having spent years sifting through military budgets, tracking untraceable dollars and code names, I learned how to sort out where money was going. This year, when I looked at the Air Force operations budget in detail, I found a $9-billion black hole that seems a perfect fit for a project like Aurora.”

You must decide for yourself.