Islam: here is your Religion of Peace

Islam -- Here's Your Religion of PeaceIslam ROP 1 Islam ROP 2Islam ROP 3

Here is the full 24-minute video.  It is clearly “produced” and meant to influence.

Jordan, however, has a plan.

You need to SEE the true aspect of Islam, the Religion of Peace.  Watch carefully.  Include your children.  Bring popcorn.  Muslims certainly are.


Islam -- This Is IslamObama -- ISIL Is Not Islamic

Islam: moderates or not?

Meaning, as I wrote, do we fundamentally have Islam wrong?

I think we do.

Are so-called “Islamists” in the majority or are so-called “moderates”?

Let’s watch:

Any conclusions one can draw?  Something similar to my core phrase, “Islam is as Islam does”?

Clearly, yes.  Over 50% of Muslims on the planet are not “moderate” but are in fact radical.  This goes against the meme of the “good moderate and peaceful Muslim.”

“Moderate Muslims” are, frankly, a statistical myth.  Thank you, Ben Shapiro.



Western civilization has Islam wrong:

KoranAbsolutely correct.

Western civilization and nations have Islam completely wrong, as Islam has been telling you for quite some time.

It isn’t Islamists that aren’t following the Quran.

It’s so-called “moderate Muslims.”

Ponder that for a moment.

Then read “Why Islam Creates Monsters.”



Why Islam creates monsters

Suicide of the WestThe following may well be the most insightful, thought-provoking and illuminating article you will read this year.  And it answers so many questions asked by so many people — yet — will likely be predominantly unread by the very groups of persons who most need its information.

Please, take the ten or fifteen minutes it requires to completely read the article.  At the end, you will come to understand the various aspects of Islam and how they meld into the religion (not really just a religion) and are applied by its adherents around the planet, and not just the Middle East.

The article, by Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels, is entitled “Why Islam Creates Monsters” and provides an examination of Islam not from a political viewpoint, but that of a psychiatric and cultural background.

An excellent Q&A with Sennels is here — as well as his article “Muslims and Westerners: The Psychological Differences” — both being highly recommended reading.

Please read all three and you’ll be provided answers to questions you’ve been asking yourself recently.  Questions Leftists and our president aren’t asking and apparently don’t wish to pose.  Perhaps with fear of the answers themselves?

And you’ll come to understand my viewpoint on Islam as well.


Islamic State & Islam