BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 7-15-21: the return of special guest JEFF DUNETZ

Hours 1 and 2: BZ featured the lugubrious, ebullient, loquacious and feted JEFF DUNETZ of Jeff Dunetz Fame, creator, host, Senior Writer, CEO, CBW, HRH, and Master of his spectacular blog LIDBLOG.COM, for the entire two hours — and actually more than two hours (because BZ possesses great powers of distraction)!

JEFF DUNETZ made any number of revelations tonight — to include that he applied to be the Israeli Minister of Ice Cream!

Other than that, JEFF and BZ decided that they would solve all the world’s problems in one night — and analyze the depth and breadth of Demorat corruption and cheating!

Towards that end, BZ and JEFF discussed the New York Jets (proof that God has a sense of humor), and the black national anthem to be played during NFL games.

We also talked about the Japan Olympics, CNN, Brian Stelter, and many, many other topics as well — to include the fact that the biggest anti-Semites are the Congressional Demorats, like Hank Johnson, who called Jews “termites” long before Louis Farrakhan did. Obama — remember him? — also said that the Jews got us into the Iraq war.

Speaking of the “heavy thinker” Hank Johnson, let’s review.

And no, this is not some kind of audio mash-up created by someone who is an audio and video whiz. Oh no. Hank Johnson is actually THIS stupid. People later said he was “kidding.”

Hank Johnson isn’t sufficiently intelligent to “kid.”

And this article was also discussed by JEFF and BZ:

Based on 2019 FBI data, Jews were 2.6X more likely than blacks and 2.2X more likely than Muslims to be victims of hate crimes

by Mark J Perry, 7-6-21

The FBI data for 2019 on anti-religion hate crimes also reveal that of the 1,715 victims of anti-religious hate crimes in the US, 1,032 were Jews (60.2% of the total) and 227 victims were Muslims (13.2% of the total). Obviously, since more than half (60.2%) of the anti-religious hate crimes in 2019 were against Jews, there were more anti-religious hate crimes against Jews (1,032) than incidents of hate crimes against all other religious groups combined (683). The FBI data also show that there were more Jewish hate crime victims in 2019 (1,032) than the number of gay men (863) and lesbians (143) who were victims of hate crimes.

But you can’t know about that.

BZ also referred to the Chicago Shot Clock, courtesy of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

Oh-so-much-more was tossed about! You’ll just have to listen to find out!

Because of a lack of internet horsepower at the home of Mrs BZ, I can no longer do video of the show, but the audio is available here on Spreaker — at the links below. Click the yellow button to begin listening.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 7-15-21, w/JEFF DUNETZ” on Spreaker.

As luck would have it — and as everyone who listens to the show knows, I’m one “lucky” guy when it comes to technology — Spreaker decided to barge into the broadcast with the demand for an update, so it briefly stopped the proceedings. Once updated, I fired everything back up and, below, Part II continues:

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 7-15-21, w/JEFF DUNETZ” on Spreaker.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




High wattage Democrat hypocrisy

Jabba or Jerry? Which is the true Hutt?

Either unfortunately or thankfully the Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots seem to forget that something called the “internet” exists.

Despite their best intentions and the focus of Google and other fact-eliminating social media Mega-Censors, some videos and facts have managed to escape complete and utter digital liquidation.

You see, it would appear that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry “The Hutt” Nadler has called for and acquired committee contempt orders for Attorney General William Barr despite those orders being illegal and, well, in direct contravention of what he precisely wanted in a prior situation involving a Demorat.

Let’s check our internet on this for comparison, shall we? Because, as we shall hear, “flip-flopping for abject political line purposes, thy name is Nadler.”

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, thankfully the genius named Hank Johnson weighed in and revealed the true intentions of the Demorats, Leftists and American Media Maggots. By the way, what the hell happened to Johnson’s lower jaw? Bad gauze? A serious Band-Aid accident? Shaving?

Just asking: did Hank Johnson happen to pass a few years ago, and was subsequently replaced by a Disney Audioanimatronics robot that still somehow can’t pronounce the English ranguage or, minimally, the word “obfuscation”?

Let’s not forget that this is the same Hank Johnson who called President Trump a white supremacist, a Nazi, and compared him to Hitler.

And let us not forget that this is the same Hank Johnson who — thank God — forewarned us about the island nation of Guam because he was sniffing paint out of a paper bag that day.

And who could forget this wonderful HJ video (H/T to Rick!) about helium:

So please, let’s attempt to acquire a semblance of a perspective. It is the Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots who couldn’t care less about

  • Facts
  • Logic
  • Rationality
  • Prorportion
  • Common sense
  • Context, or
  • History

Until it uplifts and furthers their own narrative. Period.

It seldom, if ever, does.



Maxine Waters, an embarrassment again

Maxine Waters, the Demorat gift that keeps on giving.

At least she has one unique trait other Demorats don’t. Her mouth, when opened, can rival that of an A-7 Corsair.

Let’s listen to Maxine Waters embarrass herself once more on the floor of the House following Mike Kelly.

But while we’re on the topic — and I love the internet for immuring many quite amusing points in history — I believe it’s time to larf out loud at the rampant doltishness of Mad Max once more.

I could go on, but, I think I’ve made my point.

She is indeed low-hanging fruit.



I’m sorry, I just can’t pass this up either. Let’s re-simmer our brain pans with this ageless Hank Johnson Million Dollar Monster Classic.

Some things never get old. And no, he wasn’t joking as he suggested in retrospect. Perhaps he simply picked a bad day to switch from Courvousier to bathtub gin.

Oh my, sorry, my boundaries know little limit now. I simply must display this as well.

Hank and Maxine. Wotta pair.


Demorat moron says Jews = termites

Remember this wondrous video?  The day that Guam tipped over?

It was good for a larf for quite some time; years in fact.  God bless YouTube, immuring forever the idiocy of politicians.  In this case, a Demorat politician.  Let’s relive these fateful few entertaining minutes once more.

Hank Johnson, (D), (M)oron (I)mbecile, steps into it again.


Congressman who once feared Guam could capsize compares Jewish settlers to ‘termites’

by Adam Kredo

A Democratic member of the House Armed Services Committee compared Jewish Israeli settlers to termites on Monday while speaking at an event sponsored by an anti-Israel organization that supports boycotts of the Jewish state.

Rep. Hank Johnson, D- Ga., launched into a tirade against Israel and its policies toward the Palestinians, comparing Jewish people who live in disputed territories to “termites” that destroy homes. Johnson also compared Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a remark that drew vocal agreement from those in the room.

Let us also not forget that the DNC emails revealed by Wikileaks illustrated that the entire Demorat Party itself minimizes Jews particularly in the form of Hillary Clinton’s opponent Bernie Sanders, trying to portray Sanders — a Jew — as an atheist.

Welcome once more to the cretinous, anti-Semitic face of the Demorat Party.