Obama: we want MORE Muslims

statue-of-liberty-muslim-styleGive us your tired, your poor.  Your Sharia-lovers, your Wahabbists, your young male ISIS fighters.

Syrians invited.  Oh wait, unless they are Christian.  We don’t much want those.

From the WashingtonTimes.com:

Obama marks Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha with call to accept refugees

by Dave Boyer

President Obama marked the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha Monday with a call for the U.S. to welcome refugees and immigrants.

“We are reminded of the millions of refugees around the globe who are spending this sacred holiday separated from their families, unsure of their future, but still hoping for a brighter tomorrow,” Mr. Obama said in a statement. “And as a nation, we remain committed to welcoming the stranger with empathy and an open heart — from the refugee who flees war-torn lands to the immigrant who leaves home in search of a better life.”

Yes, precisely, Mr Obama.  Let us turn the United States into a carbon copy of the current European Union with its invasion of unassimilating Syrians and Muslims — most of young male fighting age.  Think: ISIS.  There are already 5,000 ISIS Jihadists in the EU, according to the UKDailyMail.com:

5,000 ISIS jihadists at large in the EU: Europol boss warns huge numbers of terrorists have slipped back into European capitals after being trained in Iraq and Syria 

by Imogen Calderwood


  • Europol boss Rob Wainwright warned about the number of free jihadists
  • Estimated between 3,000 and 5,000 fighters have slipped back into Europe
  • Claimed they sneaked back after being trained by ISIS in the Middle East
  • Warned ‘Europe is currently facing the highest terror threat in 10 years’ 
  • See more news coverage on ISIS at www.dailymail.co.uk/isis 


The British head of Europol has warned that as many as 5,000 ISIS-trained jihadists are wandering free in Europe. 

Rob Wainwright, chief of the EU’s police agency Europol, said the agency believed between 3,000 and 5,000 jihadists have been able to slip back into Europe after training with ISIS in the Middle East.  

‘Europe is currently facing the highest terror threat in more than 10 years,’ Mr Wainwright told Germany’s Neue Osnabrucker Zeitung newspaper.

Why would that be?  Two words, one name: Angela Merkel, the GOWP von Deutschland.

I’m just curious: why so few Christians?  From CNSNews.com:

15% Over Target: 11,491 Syrian Refugees Admitted Already; 0.46% Are Christians

by Patrick Goodenough

(CNSNews.com) – With three weeks of the fiscal year to go, the Obama administration has exceeded its Syrian refugee admission target by 15 percent, with 11,491 resettled in the United States as of the beginning of this week.

Since President Obama’s goal of 10,000 Syrian refugee admissions in FY 2016 was achieved on August 29, the number continues to pick up steadily.

August ended with a new monthly record of 3,189 Syrian refugee arrivals, and a further 751 have been ushered in so far in September: 749 Sunni Muslims; two Catholic Christians.

Wait, wait wait wait wait.  I think we’ve just about exceeded our quota of Christians.  Time to shut that door, yes?  Unfortunately, the numbers get worse.

Just 54 of the 11,491 – 0.46 percent – are Christians. They comprise 14 Catholics, six Orthodox, four Protestants, one Greek Orthodox, plus 29 refugees identifying themselves simply as “Christian” rather than by denomination or sect.

Someone is going to lose their job after having let in 54 Christians.  This cannot stand.

“But wait, BZ,” you say.  “There aren’t Christians coming into this country because there aren’t Christians in Syria.”  That’s odd; 10% of Syria is Christian.  The US is all about fairness and equality.  Our police forces need to be reflective of our communities.  Don’t our Syrian “refugees” need to be reflective of their population?

Not when your dealing with Leftist GOWPs and Muslims.



What DC REALLY thinks of the Clintons


Those are not kind thoughts going through Powell’s head about now. Note his obviously closed body language, leaning away from Hillary Clinton.

If you’re not familiar with the German term schadenfreude, you should be. Look it up. I’ll wait. With that in mind, please read the following breaking story, from TheIntercept.com:

Colin Powell Urged Hillary Clinton’s Team Not to Scapegoat Him for Her Private Server, Leaked Emails Reveal

by Lee Fang and Naomi LaChance

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell attempted to discourage Hillary Clinton and her team from using him as a scapegoat for her private email server problems, according to newly leaked emails from Powell’s Gmail account.

“Sad thing,” Powell wrote to one confidant, “HRC could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me to it.”

“I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. I had to throw a mini tantrum at a Hampton’s [sic] party to get their attention. She keeps tripping into these ‘character’ minefields,” Powell lamented. He noted that he had tried to settle the matter by meeting with Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in August.

If you recall, Hillary Clinton and her camp did indeed “try to blame it on the black man” as I detailed here. It was Colin Powell who told her it was fine to have her private server. According to Hillary and her minions.

Powell’s private messages were leaked by DCLeaks.com, an anonymously managed website that shares hacked emails from U.S. military and political figures. DCLeaks has a relationship with Guccifer 2.0, a hacker that many allege to have ties with Russian intelligence. DCLeaks provided access to Powell’s emails to a number of reporters on Tuesday.

The emails show Powell regularly corresponding with reporters and friends about the Clinton email server scandal, explaining that his situation was different. When Powell arrived at the State Department, the information technology system was badly dated, he argued. And unlike Clinton, Powell never set up a private server. Instead, he used his personal AOL account, on a server maintained by AOL, and used a government computer for classified communications.

By now, I hope you’re seeing the difference between the two persons. One cheats, the other doesn’t. I should tell you up front that, unlike Hillary, Powell’s retinue did not disclaim the emails but, instead, owned up. Those were Colin Powell’s, they said. And Powell did not have a private server as Hillary initially alleged.

Now here’s where things get good.

“They are going to dick up the legitimate and necessary use of emails with friggin record rules. I saw email more like a telephone than a cable machine,” Powell wrote last year to his business partner Jeffrey Leeds. “As long as the stuff is unclassified. I had a secure State.gov machine. Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.”

Friends, I love that line: “Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.” Hubris indeed — with gobs of conceit, arrogance, narcissism and pomposity mixed in for good measure.

Powell spared no truth when he also observed:

“I told you about the gig I lost at a University because she so overcharged them they came under heat and couldn’t any [sic] fees for awhile. I should send her a bill.”

What? A Clinton overcharge for a speech? Powell surely must be prevaricating.

What’s perhaps even more interesting is the spin the American Media Maggots are putting on the Powell’s hacked emails.

  • NBC News headline: “Colin Powell calls Trump a national disgrace.”
  • USA Today: “Colin Powell calls Trump national disgrace in hacked emails.”
  • NY Times: “Colin Powell, in hacked email, calls Trump national disgrace.”

But I find this hacked email particularly illuminating:

I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect. A 70-year-old person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home.

I also love this as well:

The July 26, 2014, email came just days after The Post, which Powell appears to cite, reported: “Bill Clinton reportedly has a buxom blond mistress who visits so often when Hillary Clinton isn’t home in Chappaqua that the former president’s Secret Service detail have given her an unofficial code name: Energizer.”

This is also interesting:

Peter, I am back from the Bohemian Grove. Surprise, surprise, I sat next to Stephen Harper a couple of times and had a nice discussion.  Grove attendees know that Trump is a disaster. Most will vote against, but quite a few will not vote for Hillary and will vote for a third party candidate. Strange doings down here. Otherwise all is well with the Powells. We’ll sneak away for a few days in August. Of course I’d love to see you. Let me know your dates.  I told Stephen that you seemed quite content in your new place in life.

All the best, Colin

It’s no shock that Powell dislikes Trump; that’s to be expected. But many will not vote for Hillary? That, indeed, is good news.

Hillary Clinton’s recent incidents, particularly her own forced focus on health, are already creating negative waves on the Demorat side. One Clinton ally said she is a “self-inflicted fucking nightmare.”  Even David Axelrod, long-time hod carrier for the Dems, said on Twitter: “Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. What’s the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?”

Don’t forget, Hillary wants it both ways: If she blamed her email memory issue on a neurological condition — “I can’t recall” 39 times to the FBI — then doesn’t that make the health of Hillary Clinton quite a legitimate issue, having opened the door herself?

Ah yes. Wonderful to see the Clintons are loved, admired and respected in DC.



Obama stops golf for no one, not even AMERICAN hostages


In Obama’s world, it’s a beautiful day to ignore American hostages.

My friend Susan Katz Keating is a journalist.  A real journalist; not like the bulk of the PlaySkool, T-ball journalistas we have today.

She began being paid (instead of being an “intern” or a “volunteer”) for her writing in college.  From the Left Coast she moved to the east coast where she lives today, and is extremely knowledgeable in military, intelligence and political activity, with many friends and colleagues in each area.  Her specialty is military journalism.  Hence, she has many contacts around the nation and around the world.  She has written for People, Readers Digest, Time, Soldier of Fortune, the New York Times, American Legion, VFW and Air & Space Smithsonian.  An author of nine books, she was also crew chief on a B-52 restoration.  She is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers.  In her spare time she has broken the human genome, discovered warp drive and makes a mean cannoli.  Okay.  The thingie about genome and warp drive?  Not so much.

I could go on and on about her curriculum vitae, but I’d rather her story speak for itself.

From AMInewswire.com:

Hostage rescue was aborted while Obama vacationed

by Susan Katz Keting

Under the dim light of a quarter moon, a U.S. special operations team skimmed through the night skies above eastern Afghanistan, awaiting final mission approval from President Barrack Obama while speeding toward the objective. The commandos were fast on their way last month to rescue two western hostages held by hostile gunmen.

As the raiders approached their target — a makeshift prison compound — they suddenly were ordered to stand down. The president, who was vacationing on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, did not have time to give the required final go-ahead. He wanted 24 hours to consider the rescue.

A day later, Obama approved the mission. The commandos relaunched. This time, they reached the target — only to find the hostages had been moved four hours prior, said sources with direct knowledge of events.

Wait; was Obama golfing whilst Rome burned?  Please continue.

The missions took place Aug. 10 and 11, in Afghanistan, Thomas confirmed. He did not address operational details of the rescue missions; but AMI spoke to sources who provided details, some of which CENTCOM confirmed. 

The sources are security officials who are privy to the kidnaps and the attempted rescues. They do not work together and are affiliated with different agencies. The sources are not authorized to talk to the press, and spoke to AMI on condition of anonymity.

This is just last month, boys and girls.  AMI discovered that seven hostile combatants were killed, while no civilians or US forces were injured or killed.

“We had the hostages within reach,” said a source who met face to face with this reporter at a remote dockside setting in the United States to discuss the incident. The source insisted that the meeting be held outdoors and without access to electronic devices.

“The first time we went in, we had to stand down,” the source said. “The second time, the hostages were gone. Our special operations team went all that way for nothing.”

Around this time you should be asking “who were the hostages?” and “did the delay have an affect on the outcome and why?”

The special operators aimed to recover two civilians — American Kevin King and Australian Timothy Weeks — who were kidnapped Aug. 7, in Afghanistan. The kidnapped men are English teachers at the American University in Kabul.

“We are aware of reports of a U.S. citizen kidnapped in Kabul,” a State Department official said. “Due to privacy considerations, we are unable to comment further.”

The hostages were one American and one Australian.

King and Weeks reportedly were snatched off the street around 8 p.m. Kabul time on a Sunday. Four assailants wearing what appeared to be official uniforms smashed a window to the teachers’ vehicle and pulled them from their car at gunpoint. A driver and a guard, both inside the vehicle during the incident on Dar-ul-Aman Road, were not captured, and were later questioned by police.

The kidnappings unfolded in Afghanistan shortly after President Obama and his family began an extended seaside vacation in Massachusetts.

Wait; am I detecting the odor of Titleist PRO V1 and Callaway Big Bertha Alpha 816?

Over the course of the next two weeks, the Obamas enjoyed a holiday marked by trips to the beach (at Martha’s Vineyard), dinners with friends, and — for the president — round after round of golf.

“The hostages didn’t have the luxury of time,” said an official with knowledge of the events. “The president was on vacation. How could he not find time to approve this mission?”

Some 6,500 miles away in Afghanistan, meanwhile, efforts were underway to recover King and Weeks.

“Everybody that had the ability to rescue them was trying to find them and be in a position to rescue them,” said one security source.

Resources are in place, operators are primed and plans are in hand.

The mission needed only one more thing: the final go-ahead from the president, authorizing the rescuers to execute. In one ready room, the radio crackled to life. Instead of delivering the expected verbal green light, though, the voice on the radio gave other news:

“‘The president can’t make time on his schedule to give the go-ahead,'” the security source said.

Right.  Because FN Executive Chef Keith Cournoyer’s Seared Sea Scallops, lemon-spinach risotto & red pepper-caper butter are to die for.  You wouldn’t want to miss them.

The vacationing president wanted to push the mission back 24 hours, the source said. The commandos peeled off, and returned to base. Col. Thomas declined to say where the base was located, or what it was named.

One day later, President Obama did authorize a rescue mission, and the operators relaunched. This time, the raiders arrived on target at a compound in eastern Afghanistan.

“We assaulted the compound,” the security source said. “We knocked down walls. It was a high-profile breach.”

For more than an hour, the special operators fought inside the compound, engaging in small arms fire, the source said.

So: were the hostages there?  Were they freed?

The commandos asked people on scene: “Where are King and Weeks?”

The answer: the hostages had been moved four hours prior.

“Gone,” the security source said. “Vanished.”

And no one knows where they are.  They were missed by four hours.

“Humans are essentially ATM machines,” (Christine Fair, a security studies professor at Georgetown University) said. “[Captors] don’t actually keep the hostages. They snatch them and then sell them to whatever terrorist organization is willing to pay the most, whether it be the Taliban or some faction thereof.”

Custodial captors can take hostages to any number of places.

When asked, the White House officially shrugged its shoulders.  Meh.

The White House deflected questions on the situation overall.

When queried, the White House first directed this reporter to the State Department, then deflected to another department when pressed about the president’s authority as commander in chief of the armed services.

“Talk to the Defense Department,” national security press officer Mark Stroh told AMI.

But wait, there’s more.  Susan Katz Keating wrote on Twitter:

Hostage rescue in Afghanistan scrapped for lack of approval from POTUS. My story today.

The next Tweet was a bit thornier.

skk-hostages-1And thornier still.

skk-hostages-2She provided the White House with a chance to respond.  They didn’t, she wrote the story, they got pissed.

skk-hostages-3Susan Katz Keating stands by her story — as well she should.  The truth hurts.  However, what political hay could Mr Obama have made out of the incident?  None.  Hence: meh.

There you go, the loving, professional, diligent care and concern displayed by the current uninvolved and unconcerned lame duck occupant of the White House.

Americans can go to hell.  His Majesty is playing golf.



Hillary is in great health, Pt II

hillary-clinton-9-11-ceremony-fainting-wapo(See Pt I here.)

Sunday was a bad day for Hillary Rodham Clinton — because even the American Media Maggots are starting to see the light regarding her health or lack thereof.

Note the photo above.  First, the Washinton Post thought you, me, were ridiculous for even mentioning a thing about Hillary’s health.  Vast Right Wing Basket of Deplorable Conspiracists!

They have since changed their tune.

Let’s look and see why.  First, a video:

That provided a good overview of the situation on Sunday in New York City, at the 9/11 Memorial which Hillary Clinton attended. The temperature was 80-degrees and the humidity was 13%.
hillary-clinton-9-11-ceremony-faintingAs you can see from the video, while awaiting the black van, Hillary is leaning on a vertical concrete stanchion.  You can see she clearly needs the support.

hillary-clinton-9-11-ceremony-fainting-1She begins to walk towards the van and must negotiate a few steps.  She is assisted the entire way but soon falls vertically towards the street in what appears to be a total collapse.  She lost one shoe.  Her doctor stated that she was “overheated.”

Hillary was apparently diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, which some say is responsible for her cough.  Her doctors indicated that, instead, her coughing is due to allergies and increased her allergy medication.  Even more distressing, one medical doctor (source here) indicates:

Hillary Clinton might actually have 1 year to live based on medical records that were leaked indicating she has a disease called Subcortical Vascular Dementia. While many videos have been made about her health, all of them have missed the severity of her illness.

She could die very soon, since Vascular Dementia is progressive and has a 3-5 year life expectancy. Clinton actually has a severe form of the disease that impacts the subcortex region of the brain, which includes the brainstem. This might explain why Clinton is dry-coughing so much. The brainstem controls primitive functions of the body like breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. When there is ischemia to this region, B/P, HR, and breathing won’t function correctly. Hillary’s cough is so noticeable because she can’t seem to get over it. Most people only need a couple of coughs and they are able to overcome what is in their throat. But not Hillary.

Hillary has tried to explain that she has an “allergic cough.” This is completely false and a lie. Based on her medical records, it is related to her Vascular Dementia, which she is dying of. She could rapidly decline if circulation is weak to the brainstem. I am very concerned about Hillary, and if her VaD diagnosis is true, she would likely face increasing difficulties over the next few months.

Hillary’s health record also states that she has “complex partial seizures.” I have witnessed many people who have had seizures, and I believe Hillary is definitely showing signs of seizing activity. With complex partial seizures, one can show signs such as head nodding or lip smacking. Hillary, has had several instances where she appears to have had a seizure, the most well-known is when she was in front of a group of reporters. External, noxious stimuli can trigger seizing in certain individuals. Hillary had a seizure in front of the reporters.

I find those last three sentences of particular interest because of the blue glasses that Hillary wore on Sunday to the 9/11 ceremony in New York.  She was not attempting to channel Ozzy Osbourne.  Instead, Mike Cernovich intimated Clinton was wearing those glasses to ward off epileptic episodes and wrote about that here.  She has worn blue sunglasses on prior occasions as well, illustrated below in a photo.

hillary-clinton-9-11-ceremony-blue-sunglassesSmelling potential bull, I did what all other reporters should have done.  I checked the internet.  Blue tint for epilepsy?  It sounded bogus to me.  Until I went to epilepsy.com and found this information:

Finding Zeiss Z1 blue lenses to treat photosensitive epilepsy

I found a study which shows that Carl Zeiss brand z1 blue lenses are highly effective in treating photosensitive epilepsy. The study is at: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1528-1167.2006.00463.x?prevSearch=allfield%3A%28z1%29.


Hillary leaves the 9/11 ceremony. Why is she the only one wearing sunglasses? Is Dr Lisa Bardack, on Clinton’s left, covertly taking her pulse?


At 9/11 ceremony, conducting neurological test on Hillary: finger squeeze for motor reaction skills. This is Dr Lisa Bardack and that is a medical bag.

I continued reading what the unnamed doctor (who evidently doesn’t care to be found dead in a park) wrote.

Not unsurprisingly, they are trying to control her seizures using a Diazepam autoinjector. Autoinjectors are used with urgent drugs such as Diazepam and Epinephrine in order to stop an life-threatening event from happening. If Hillary has seizures, they could cause an oxygen deficiency in the brain, resulting in damage and further progression of her VaD. An autoinjector is needed to control the seizure.

Many doctors are not speaking out about Hillary’s health, but trust me, they are thinking about it and talking amongst themselves. If you specialize in neurosurgery, neurology, or neurovascular specialities as a doctor, no doubt it is quite obvious that Hillary has a big problem. She can barely walk up stairs and can’t stand very long, has to hold on to side rails, etc.

This makes sense, because she has VaD of the subcortex which involves the cerebellum (involved in controlling gross motor movements). Hillary, for the most part, can still deliver scripted speeches on green screens, so she still has some function. However, VaD will result in a rapid decline in function of the patient. VaD has a average life expectancy of 3-5 years (about 4 years according to the NHS). Hillary is entering into her final year of life since she was diagnosed with VaD in 2013.

Startling information indeed.  But not simply because of the potential dire consequences to Mrs Clinton herself.

I wrote about Clinton’s health issues here, Hillary Clinton had a fall in February of this year.  She has had several falls.  She suffered a concussion to the point where her eyesight was affected for a number of months in 2013 via, likely, a damaged cranial nerve.  She had a blood clot on the outside of the brain.  In 1998 she had an episode of deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot, potentially the result of traveling. 50% of patients who suffer a concussion have post-concussion syndrome, falling prey to further falls and spatial/cognitive disorders.  This can translate to vertigo issues.  She has had multiple falls, in 2011 and 2012.  It took her quite some time to recover from the concussion.  That may lead, say doctors, to chronic fatigue syndrome or chronic vertigo.

Hillary Clinton medical IssuesPost concussion issues may include balance, dizziness, assembling cogent thoughts.  Coumadin and her hypothyroid issues equal prolonged periods of treatment via Thyroxine and a varied amount of side effects.

Hillary Clinton Helped Up StepsI’m sure you recall this photo, and then the statement below.

Hillary Clinton Medical Issues Shamefulhillary-clinton-9-11-ceremony-neurology-handler

This is the man who accompanies Hillary 24/7. Please note his specialty.

Shameful, yes, those of us who believe that health is a serious issue with Hillary Rodham Clinton.  I wonder what the AMM lapdogs would be saying if the same conditions and circumstances were true of Donald Trump?  Certainly, he would receive the same “pass” from the media, who would be doing their best to emphasize that Trump’s health isn’t really of concern at all.  Right?

The concern regarding Clinton’s health isn’t just about providing flakbait for the Vast Right Wing Basket of Deplorable Conspiracists (the VRWBoDC).  It is about Americans having full confidence in their potential president’s ability to conduct work during times of crisis and to be of sound mind and spirit.

But wait; I have a final question for Hillary Butt-Coverers.  If Hillary blamed her email memory issue on a neurological condition — “I can’t recall” 39 times to the FBI — then doesn’t that make the health of Hillary Clinton quite a legitimate issue, having opened that door herself?

