Millennials think Judge Judy is on SCOTUS

Millennials AreThis is what you get on a Google search when you enter the first two words.  I couldn’t have summed it up better myself.

After I stopped laughing — because Millennials are such a “target-rich environment: — I sobered up rapidly realizing that morons like these 1) occasionally vote and 2) are the future of the nation.


Report: 10% of college graduates think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court

by Daniella Diaz

(CNN) Nearly 10% of college graduates surveyed in a poll believe Judith Sheindlin, aka “Judge Judy,” serves on the Supreme Court.

The poll, conducted by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni in August 2015 but released in January 2016, concluded from the 1,000 surveyed that college graduates “are alarmingly ignorant of America’s history and heritage.”

Power Leftists and Demorats make bank on the fact that Millennials are ignorant.  This is not the fault of Millennials themselves.  They are and have been molded by their politically correct parents and teachers to be the semiliterate, artless and incurious little lickspittles they are.

Still and all, its funny as hell to know they are so incredibly gullible and uneducated.

They’ll believe anything.  Like Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.

Or that Bernie Sanders’s Socialism will be free.


Millennials Stupid



Bill Clinton in Vegas with AVN show

Bill Clinton With Young WomanBill, your hands are so damned cold.

Direct from the Timing Is Everything Dept:

Bill Clinton is in Las Vegas to “campaign for Hillary” (air quotes) the same time that the nation’s number one porn show, the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo, is open.


I think not.  #CalculatedPlanning



Muslim: “women in Europe deserve it”

Islam Helped by GOWP Leftist WomanDeserve what?

Being molested and/or raped on the streets and alleys of Europe.

And no, I’m not kidding.

And yes, GOWPs (Guilty Overeducated White Persons) overseas are telling women to cover up and that it’s their fault for tempting these poor refugees from other countries, who simply need to be understood.

Muslim Imam Women Deserve to be RapedAn imam in Cologne, Germany, Sami Abu-Yusuf, at the Salafist mosque, says “if they (women) walk around half naked and use perfume things can happen.  A man, a woman, it’s like putting oil on a fire.”

If only Western Civilization had known this earlier, think of all the rapes we could have prevented.

First question popping into my head?  Where are all the feminists, outraged at this man’s comments?  Not just locally or nationally, but globally?  The answer is: cowering in their kitchens.  Feminists only attack those physically or primarily mentally weaker than they are — those who fear being labeled.  Muslims couldn’t care less what women think; they freely kill and mutilate women by the bushel, daily.  Feminists don’t attack Muslims because they know Muslim men will kill them; perhaps even institutionally-brainwashed Muslim women as well.

Of course, that isn’t limited to feminisnts; MINOs are this way also: Muslims In Name Only.  You know, the so-called “moderate Muslims.”

Always good to excuse assaults on women by Muslims.  Women, realize: you are a legitimate target by Muslim refugees.

Conventional GOWP wisdom is that these occurrences are merely a few statistical aberrations.  From

Cologne Imam: Girls Were Raped Because They Were Half Naked And Wore Perfume

by Oliver Lane

Warning women against “adding fuel to the fire”, the Imam of a Salafist Cologne mosque has said the victims of the New Year’s Eve attacks in that city were themselves responsible for their sex assault, by dressing inappropriately and wearing perfume.

Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted and in some cases raped by gangs of migrant men in cities across Germany the Imam said: “the events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire”.

Sami Abu-Yusuf is the Imam of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne’s Kalk neighbourhood, just one of thousands of such establishments practising in converted residential, retail, and industrial properties serving the booming Muslim population of Europe. The mosque, which is named as preaching the fundamentalist Salafist creed of Islam was raided by counter terror officers in 2004.

The emergence of Salafism in Europe is a major concern for security services, as it considers itself the most pure, and original form of Islam and tries to obey the commands of the Koran literally. Breitbart London has reported at length recently on the extremist activities of Salafist Muslims in Germany, from mass-riots in which hundreds of men armed with kebab skewers, knives, and iron bars clashed with police and Kurds on the streets of Hamburg, to their recruiting strategies, preying on newly arrived migrants.

Which is why I say: NO SYRIAN “REFUGEES” IN AMERICA.  None.  Not women.  Not children.  None.  Europe exists now to be an example from which we must all learn.

Conventional GOWP Wisdom is that, under the guise of “multiculturism,” all cultures are equal and, as long as they are different, most cultures are actually better than those of Caucasoids.  The truth is that cultures are in fact different, not all think alike, and some cultures — like Islam — are barbaric and based upon violence and subsumation.

This is an excellent lesson for the US to learn, as I indicated.

Because: Germany is lost.  There is no regaining her back the way she was.  All the rest of Europe is on the cusp of being lost.

We cannot allow that to occur here.



El Chapo had a “Fast & Furious” firearm in hideout

El Chapo Victims

Some of El Chapo’s terrible handiwork in Mexico. F&F firearms were used to kill El Chapo’s enemies and innocents alike.

And not just “any” firearm; oh no.

FAST AND FURIOUS GraphicYou remember Holder’s “Fast & Furious” debacle, right?  The one where US Attorney General Eric Holder’s BATFE thought it would be a splendid idea to allow weapons to cross into Mexico under its “supervision” as Operation Gunrunner, then later as Operation Fast and Furious.  More than 2,000 guns were sold to suspected criminals thought to be linked to the Sinaloa drug cartel and other Mexican criminal organizations in the two years of the operation under the Obama presidency.  Shock of shocks, there were criminals involved.  So in essence the BATFE knowingly allowed US weapons to be “walked” into Mexico.  BATFE agents lost track of 1,400 of the 2,000 guns sold.

On Dec. 14, 2010, US Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed during a gunfight. It was discovered that weapons in the shootout stemmed from the Fast and Furious operation.  A BATFE scheme, therefore, was directly responsible for the death of an American law enforcement officer.

USBP Agent Brian TerryLet us also not forget that documents about F&F were handed over to Representative Darrell Issa’s House Oversight Committee in November of 2014 (four years after the murder of Agent Terry) only after the White House tried to use executive privilege in an attempt to halt emails related to the case, and contempt of Congress charges against Attorney General Eric Holder in 2012,  On June 28th of 2012, AG Holder was in fact held in contempt of Congress — the first time ever for a US presidential cabinet member.

Eric Holder Finger Pointing Kiss My AssHere’s something else people conveniently forget: Emails released to Judicial Watch, a group that filed suit to obtain legal documents from the Justice Department, showed Holder’s direct involvement with officials throughout the Justice Department and the ATF in how to handle congressional inquiries and ways to format talking points about Fast and Furious.

In other words, how to obfuscate and minimize.

Yesterday, from

‘Fast & Furious’ rifle capable of taking down helicopter found in ‘El Chapo’ cache

by William La Jeunesse

A.50-caliber rifle found at Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s hideout in Mexico was funneled through the gun-smuggling investigation known as Fast and Furious, sources confirmed Tuesday to Fox News.

When agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives checked serial numbers of the eight weapons found in his possession, they found one of the two .50-caliber weapons traced back to the ATF program, sources said.

Barrett M82 Sniper RifleYou cannot convince me that Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast & Furious weren’t crafted by the Obama administration as an excuse to enact more gun control regulations across the board.  CBS had the records to indicate so.

The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre nailed the issue when he said:

We wouldn’t know about this at all if [Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry] had not been killed and some of the good, honest, decent federal agents down the line had enough of the stench coming out of Washington and started to use the Whistleblower Act to go public and call the Justice Department out on this whole rotten, stinking scheme.

It’s clear the Obama administration and Eric Holder had their anti-gun agendas and did their best to stomp the whistleblowers and stifle the investigation.

Otherwise thousands of guns would still be going over the border into the Mexican drug cartels and the President and the Attorney General and the Secretary of State would all be running around going, ’90 percent of the guns come from America’ in an attempt to seek political advantage and in an attempt to enact more gun control laws on honest American citizens and use this whole issue politically against the Second Amendment of the United States.

Precisely sir.  One of the major reasons I decided to join the NRA recently.  I am tired of Demorats and Leftists trampling on America’s foundational documents.

Good to know the fuckups of Obama and Holder are still the gifts that keep on giving.  How many people did that rifle take out at over 1,000 yards?