Before you don that costume

Halloween CartoonPlease be mindful of what your Halloween costume may mean to others, and how it may possibly offend people.

That’s the message this Halloween.

Halloween Costume OffensiveFrom

College posts contact info of 5 officials standing by to tell students if their costume’s offensive

by Deion Kathawa

Think your Halloween costume might be culturally insensitive?

If you’re a student at State University of New York at Geneseo, all you’d have to do is email or call the no less than FIVE campus officials whose phone numbers and email addresses have been hung around campus on posters titled “Halloween checklist: Is Your Costume Offensive? Check yourself and check your friends.”

Frankly, if you’re even remotely concerned, this says more about you than anything else ever could.

“Unsure if your costume might be offensive,” the poster asks. “Don’t be scared to ask questions.”

Students can call for approval of their Halloween costumes, fulfilling their social justice quota for the day, before they go out and get so drunk that not a single person will either remember or care whether or not their “Pochahottie” getup furthered the systemic marginalization of Native Americans.

The campus seems keen on grooming Orwellian 1984-style Thought Police informants, ready to sell out their friends for a feel-good confession to Big Brother.

Ain’t that what’s so grand about colleges and universities these days, boys and girls?

A few scant notes from BZ:

  1. Real men and women don’t give a fuck if their costumes are “culturally insensitive”
  2. Colleges are now populated by hordes of male pussies and domineering women
  3. See #1 and #2 above

Halloween Caitlyn Jenner CostumeYou don’t have a hair on your ass if you don’t dress up as Caitlyn Jenner, Texans.



I dressed up a neighborhood dog as a Chicago resident for Halloween.

Halloween Chicago Gangster Dog

Blacks: give respect to get respect

Steven-Hildreth-Jr-FacebookProven by a black man in a hoodie wearing a Glock, on a vehicle stop in Tucson.


  1. Wasn’t killed by cops, and
  2. Wasn’t issued a citation, and
  3. Favorably wrote about the cops on Facebook

What a unique and novel concept for black males to consider.


Armed Black Driver Uses Facebook to Support Two Cops Who Pulled Him Over

by Awr Hawkins

On October 27, driver Steven Hildreth Jr. was armed and wearing a hoodie when he was pulled over for a broken headlight in Tucson, Arizona.

The officers had to disarm Hildreth because of the close promixity of his Glock to his wallet. After checking his registration and dialoguing with Hildreth, the officers returned his Glock to him, complimented the way he had treated them, and sent him on his way. When Hildreth got home, he returned the compliment by taking to Facebook to point out how reasonable the stop went and how approaching officers with respect instead of divisive language and movements might be the key to more reasonable stops around the country.

Mr Hildreth ended his Facebook post with this:

I’m a black man wearing a hoodie and strapped. According to certain social movements, I shouldn’t be alive right now because the police are allegedly out to kill minorities. Maybe… just maybe… that notion is bunk.

Maybe if you treat police officers with respect, they will do the same to you.

Police officers are people, too. By far and large, most are good people and they’re not out to get you. I’d like to thank those two officers and TPD in general for another professional contact.

We talk so much about the bad apples who shouldn’t be wearing a badge. I’d like to spread the word about an example of men who earned their badges and exemplify what that badge stands for.

Because of this incident, are things going to change in the black community?

No, of course not.  This man is a soldier with the National Guard.  In the eyes of Black Lives Matter he’s already a “sell-out.”  He’s already defending the Caucasoid Power Structure.  He hasn’t called Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke an “Uncle Tom.”  He hasn’t continuously spread the “hands up don’t shoot” lies about Michael Brown.  He’s not advocating the killing of cops.

In truth, black lives don’t matter.  Certainly they don’t matter more than anyone else, they don’t matter to me and they don’t matter to the bulk of the US.  They sure as hell don’t matter to politicians locally, at the state level or in DC.  And they don’t matter to the American Media Maggots.  Black urban male lives are useful only as tools to angles on various stories for the AMM.

Maybe Chris Rock had it right in this video, made a number of years ago, after all:

Young urban black males have become something of a doomed culture.  One of the largest things that doomed cultures lack is the ability to conduct introspection and self-examination. This requires not only self-awareness but an amount of education, which by and large most urban blacks not only do not seem to possess but apparently have no interest in acquiring. That mindset does not allow for alternate propositions or methods. To a degree various corruptive cultures are also responsible for the overall decline of this nation. The “gangbanger” culture has been more corruptive than most and runs across all — and I mean ALL — ethnicities. There is Mexican rap, there is Tongan rap, there is Icelandic rap.  This stems from the young black urban male culture and is endemic globally.  It is not a productive cultural element.

The corruption has been so terribly inculcated over the years that most urban blacks are completely unaware that those who “promise more” to blacks are actually their slavemasters, and provide the chains with which altogether too many blacks willingly and ignorantly bind themselves.

The Demorats, under Johnson’s “Great Society,” helped to remove the black male from the family equation by dint of cash promised to young black mothers without fathers. When blacks discovered they could get cash in certain non-familial situations and, further, acquire more cash with more children, the culture was on its way down. This, of course, bled over into the rest of the nation and helped to create the dooming entitlement philosophy.

Here’s the bottom line.

Black lives don’t matter to each other.

So I have to ask an obvious question that apparently others haven’t the intelligence or courage to pose: if black lives don’t matter to each other, then why should I give one whit about whether an urban black male dies or not?

It is an amazing thing to me that there isn’t a mass uprising of those persons who finally realize what is being done to blacks by blacks.

I summarize: it would appear that most evidence — clearly provided by Demorats and Leftists — indicates that black lives truly do not matter.

When I see blacks respecting themselves, I may change my beliefs.

A little respect goes a long way.

I’m not holding my breath.



Wednesday GOP debate

BOULDER, CO - OCTOBER 28: Presidential candidates Ohio Governor John Kasich (L-R), Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz (R-TX), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) take the stage at the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate at University of Colorados Coors Events Center October 28, 2015 in Boulder, Colorado. Fourteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the third set of Republican presidential debates. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

BOULDER, CO – OCTOBER 28: Presidential candidates Ohio Governor John Kasich (L-R), Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz (R-TX), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) take the stage at the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate at University of Colorados Coors Events Center October 28, 2015 in Boulder, Colorado. Fourteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the third set of Republican presidential debates. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

As Americans, we tend to quantify people as winners or losers.

In this debate, first, who was the loser?

In my opinion, that’s easy: CNBC was the loser.  The “moderators.”

They should be ashamed of their clear bias but Leftists have no concept of “shame.”  Shame itself is a biased concept according to the Leftist philosophy.  No one should be made to feel ashamed.  Except, of course, Conservatives.  They actually stood up for themselves.

This debate boosted CNBC’s ratings more in one night than in the last few years.  CNBC knows that, which is why they agreed.  John Harwood was a smug NYT-typical goon displaying his true colors.  Proving nothing more than: CNBC still sucks.  And CNBC, tomorrow, will go back to being as insignificant as it was on Tuesday.  A fly speck.

Specifically, CNBC ratings became higher in one night than they’ve been in the past four years. Due to the GOP.  And CNBC despises the GOP.  It’s their job.

The very first question: “what’s your greatest weakness.”  Each question was no accident.  It wasn’t “off the cuff.”  There was nothing “off the cuff” for these debate questions.  The primary question was: “how are we going to fuck these Republicans?”

“Even in New Jersey what you’re doing now is called rude.”

Frankly, the candidates beat the moderators Wednesday night.  Each moderator was a Flaming Liberal.

The story was: the moderators tried, at every turn, to bait the candidates.  The story slowly became about the coalescence of the GOP group as opposed to the moderators.  Carly Fiorina spoke for the greatest amount of time, Jeb Bush for the least amount of time, with Rand Paul next least.  Rubio spoke for the “second greatest” amount of time.  Jeb Bush is now in keeping with his replacement of Mitt Romney for the poster child of “uninvolved.”

The judgment in retrospect will be: this was a train wreck for CNBC and validates what more people are coming to realize.  The American Media Maggots really are maggots.

Cruz did well, Rubio did well and Fiorina did well.

Trump, though he was of lesser energy, didn’t lose points.

Carson will stay the same.  People either love him or hate him.

Christie did well but he’s on the bubble.  This was make or break for Christie.

Kasich and Huckabee and Paul were unimpressive.  They will and should subsume.  Kasich always pisses me off so I’m biased — but — I couldn’t care less.  And no, I couldn’t care less that blind people have “non-24” either.

Jeb Bush attacking Marco Rubio was a bit of craven theater that resulted in Bush being diminished still.  Bush still doesn’t “get it.”  Thankfully, to his demise.

Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina.

Those are my Top Three.

Advice to the GOP debaters in the future.  Turn against Obama, then turn against his policies, then proffer your own solutions.  Make the linkage.  Connect the dots.  You’ve made a good advancement in terms of not attacking yourselves, particularly in this debate.  Keep calm and carry on.

Continue this trend at the next debate.



Europe rethinks guns

Gun Control European StyleThis is the sound of BZ slapping his forehead.

Gosh.  I wonder why?


In Response to Massive Influx of Refugees, Europeans Seek More Guns

by Warren Mass

As The New American has reported in multiple articles, European nations are frantically trying to accommodate the thousands of immigrants fleeing to Europe from the ongoing civil war in Syria. This massive influx, which has been described as an “invasion,” has prompted many Europeans to arm themselves, fearful that the migrants will cause a rise in violent crime, according to a report published by WorldNetDaily (WND) on October 26.

However, notes the report, citing Czech and Austrian sources, obtaining a firearm in Europe can be difficult to nearly impossible, depending on gun laws in each individual country. A Czech television reporter spoke mostly about the situation in neighboring Austria, which is in the main path of migrants traveling from Greece to their most popular destination — Germany. 

I’m sorry, but I have to readily admit that my first thought was: oh boo-hoo.  Europeans are rethinking gun control?  A tad late perhaps?

“I’m disarmed.  How do I keep me and my family safe, considering my ______ government appears to be disinterested in defending me from the invading Muslim hordes?”

And yes, they are invading Muslim hordes.  They’re certainly not Buddhist hordes.  You’re stewing, Europe, in the Leftist mess you created.  You can’t get guns now that you actually need them to defend your families?

Live with it.

The Czech reporter stated that long guns such as shotguns and rifles have been selling out in Austria, and those who haven’t already purchased one may not have an opportunity to obtain one for some time. “If anyone wants to buy a long gun in Austria right now, too bad for them,” noted the Czech newscaster. “All of them are currently sold out.”

Funny thing is, guns are selling like hotcakes in the United States as well this year — the exact opposite intention of the Obama Administration.  Even better, gun and ammunition purchases have “skyrocketed” in Fornicalia — particularly since Fornicalia Lt Governmor Gavin Newsom has said he’s going to put a measure on the ballot to enact even stricter gun regulations, also mandating background checks before you can purchase a single box of ammunition.

Great idea!  Let’s make criminals out of citizens and leave the real criminals themselves entirely unaffected — by letting them out of jails and prisons, minimizing property crimes (by increasing the value of a stolen item before the crime constitutes a felony) and sending drug users and dealers to rehab instead of putting them in jail.  AB 109, “realignment,” is already working like a charm (not), as is Proposition 47.  Meaning: the criminals are doing very well in Fornicalia, and property crimes are likewise blossoming.  Heroin users aren’t stupid, after all, just drugged.  They know they can steal more items before they’re charged with a felony and actually have to enter the system.

(As an aside: the effect of AB109In Los Angeles, because of the court and jail conditions associated with overcrowding, AB 109 inmates were serving anywhere from 20 percent of their sentence — after half-time was deducted. For the most serious and repeat offenders the percentage of time served peaked at around 40 percent of a sentence for the most serious offenses.  The results of both AB 109 and Prop 47?  The outcome “is criminals serving very short sentences and threatening public safety.”)

But wait until you read this:

I just returned from a gun rights meeting in Belgium, and I can attest that all over Europe people now want the means to defend themselves. Self-defense is no longer a dirty word. In countries like Austria, where it is still legal to own a firearm, gun sales are at record levels. I can tell you first-hand that people in Europe now wish they had a Second Amendment.

Yes, let’s repeat that last sentence for the brain-addled and ill-educated Leftists amongst us here (I know you’re there, I get your comments and emails):

“I can tell you first-hand that people in Europe now wish they had a Second Amendment.”

Socialists and Euro-Cheesers wishing for their own Second Amendment?

Even more astonishing:

Going back to the fears generated among Europeans by the large numbers of refugees from the Middle East, it appears that such fears are well grounded. The U.K.’s Daily Mail reported last May: “Islamic State terrorists who are hell-bent on committing atrocities in Britain are being smuggled into Europe by posing as refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean.”

Those “fears are well grounded.”  Muslim terrorists posing as “refugees.”  Oh no!  Muslims wouldn’t stoop to something as bad as that, would they?  Could they?

Listen up, American Leftists:

The Daily Mail cited as its source a Libyan security advisor, Abdul Basit Haroun, who used to live in Britain. Haroun said during a BBC Radio 5 Live Investigates program: 

[Terrorists] use the boats for their people who they want to send to Europe as the European police don’t know who is from IS and who is a normal refugee. The boat owners have a list of who to take but some people come suddenly and they’re told, “Take them with you.”…

They are for IS — 100 per cent.

Which is why I say again and continue to say: keep Syrian and all other Muslim “refugees” out of the United States of America.  ISIS has already infiltrated via our southern border.  There are ISIS elements present in the US.  My federal LE sources tell me so.

I say: let Europe, who so eschewed firearms and pointed their fingers at US “gun nuts,” stew in the juices of their own making and lack of foresight.

BZMuslims Don't Love Peace

Leftist Gun Control

Shariah-compliant US government award favors Muslims

Islam and CoexistenceEveryone said, “no, it can’t happen here.  Clearly BZ, you are a racist.”

As if Islam were a “race,” you blithering idiots.  Islam isn’t just a religion, it’s a culture, an all-encompassing way of life that goes far beyond just a religion.  That is why Islam is so incredibly permeating and simultaneously dangerous.

I have been sent emails and had comments submitted to the blog (seldom published, due to the wonderful screening system of WordPress) telling me I was alternately racist, sexist, or was going to be converted or “removed.”  An Islamic euphemism for being “killed.”  You know, that inconvenient death thingie.

All due to, of course, my stance on Islam.  Because I expose the truth of Islam.  The truth becomes: “Islam is as Islam does.”  Not what people think Islam is or what it means, but what is actually perpetrated at the hands of Islam.

Muslims Prepare to Kill Coptic ChristiansDo you think for one minute, for example, that if twenty-one Muslims in orange jumpsuits were lined up on a beach in Italy and various Catholic verses read in Latin over those persons — who were subsequently beheaded on video whilst the leader extolled the virtues of Catholicism and excoriated those who disbelieved — that the world would debate at its leisure over whether they were truly beheaded on behalf of Catholicism?

What if this video was entitled “A message signed with blood to the nation of the scimitar”?  What if, in the video, the Catholics said “and we will conquer Mecca”?

[YouTube has since deleted the Message Signed With Blood video, as it would be biased to show Islam as it truly exists.  Instead, go here and click the video on the web page.]

And what if that rite were carried out numerous times, daily, throughout the globe?  What do you think the world’s opinion would be of Catholicism?  Of Christianity?  All prayers would be banned, priests injured or killed, churches razed, a pogrom of massive proportions in every country.  People wouldn’t be calmly discussing the issue over steaming cups of coffee.  There would instead be demands for action and in many cases there would be terrible violent retribution and death.

“No BZ, that can’t happen here, you racist,” it was written to me.  Then said to me later by an acquaintance who no longer reads my blog because I’m such a, well, racist.  You blithering idiot.  (His statement revealed much more about him than it did about me.)

Right.  It can’t happen here.

From the

EEOC wins discrimination case for Muslims fired for not delivering beer

by Sean Higgins

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission won $240,000 in damages for two Muslim truck drivers after it sued their former employer for religious discrimination for firing the drivers for refusing to make beer deliveries.

The EEOC said that Star Transport Inc., a trucking company based in Morton, Ill., violated their religious rights by refusing to accommodate their objections to delivering alcoholic beverages.

“EEOC is proud to support the rights of workers to equal treatment in the workplace without having to sacrifice their religious beliefs or practices,” EEOC General Counsel David Lopez announced Thursday. “This is fundamental to the American principles of religious freedom and tolerance.”

How odd that, when dealing with Christianity however, there is little if any religious freedom or tolerance.  Ask Kim Davis at her county clerk’s office.  Ask Bremerton, WA Assistant Coach Joe Kennedy who’s about to be fired for kneeling at the 50-yard line and praying post-game.  Ask the Christian people who didn’t want to bake a cake for a gay wedding and were fined $135,000.  On and on it goes.

The case involved Star Transport’s firing of drivers Mahad Abass Mohamed and Abdkiarim Hassan Bulshale, both of Somali heritage, in 2009 after they refused to make beer deliveries for the company, citing their adherence to Islamic law. For devout Muslims, consuming or even being in contact with any alcoholic beverage is prohibited.

Let’s look up Star Transport Incorporated, of Morton, Illinois, shall we?  It seems that its site, http”//, no longer functions.  Star Transport appears to have closed.  Its gates are locked and only one truck is present.  The phone is unanswered.  I know.  I called.  Now, 25 persons in Morton are without jobs.  One guess as to why, possibly, that may be?  Anyone?  Bueller?

Its a win/win.  Our friendly federal government, proud at having sued Star Transport, got to also ramp up its welfare, foodstamp and EBT rolls with more persons shoved out of a job.

We can — and must — accommodate Muslims, the ruling says.  But we don’t have to reciprocate and accommodate Christians in any manner whatsoever.

One very basic reason?

A Christian won’t behead you or shoot you if he or she loses their job or can’t pray or must bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Pretty simple, really.

It can happen here and it is happening here.

Your federal government is favoring Muslims over Christians.  it is literally picking religious sides.

Ah, good to know your federal tax dollars are being being spent to ensure the US is Shariah-compliant.

We loves us some Muzzies.