Pat Condell: don’t purchase anything Halal

UK’s Pat Condell, as Leftist as he may be, is actually a fairweather warning beacon for the rest of the United Kingdom.  And the planet.

He sees Islam for what it truly is in its Middle Eastern version: a corruptation, an abrogation of fundamental human rights, and an onerous, dangerous and lethal corrupter of the rights of 50% of the planet’s human beings: women.

The fire, I pose, is just beginning in the Middle East, in Cairo, in Syria, in Jordan, in Iran.  And many other ME countries.

Militant Islam is bleeding into Western countries because Western countries are predominantly stupid and ignorant of anything non-Western in thought and philosophy.  Take it away, Leftist Pat Condell:

Thank you kindly for making such obvious statements, sir.  Boycott Halal.  Because implementing Halal is the tacit implementation of Sharia — as in Sharia Law.  Dozens of Sharia Courts already exist in Britain.

“For the sake of Muslim superstition.”  Thank you sir.  For stating the truth.



For those of you unfamiliar with links or the clicking thereon, and who need to have facts jammed directly into your teeth, let me set forth the clarity of Sharia Law forthwith:

According to the Sharia law:

•  Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand.
•  Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
•  Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by death.
•  Criticizing or denying Allah, the moon god of Islam is punishable by death.
•  A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
•  A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
•  A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
•  A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
•  Girls’ clitoris should be cut (per Muhammad‘s words in Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
•  A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
•  A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband’s consent to divorce.
•  A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
•  Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
•  A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
•  A woman’s testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man’s.
•  A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
•  A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
•  A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
•  Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah – i.e., be Halal.
•  Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
•  The list goes on.



Truth illustrated by an ever-expanding list:

Obama, The Face of ChangeBZ


Islamists & Leftists chase college Republicans out of their own movie screening

As Texas Fred wrote in his post, “A warning from a former Muslim,” Islam has patience.  And drive.  And violence.  They are the 800-pound gorilla of religions, cold, cruel, barbaric, single-minded.  Read Fred’s post first.

Some people may be asking, in light of the recent declaration that Feds suggest anti-Muslim speech can be punished, why such emphasis on the negative aspects of one tiny religion when there are so many other issues of greater importance requiring focus in today’s world?  And, further, won’t this get me in trouble?

The second question is easiest to answer: because I believe in my First Amendment rights.  Once we lose our First, everything else means nothing.  That is why it is the FIRST Amendment and why the Leftists and “Progressives” by way of the Demorats work so hard to eliminate our Second Amendment protections.  Once the Second Amendment is gutted and emasculated, the rest of the Bill of Rights — with the First Amendment clearly “first to go” — can be tossed aside with abandon.  Then the nation truly becomes one populated by Groundlings, Serfs and Proles.  This doesn’t just work for Obama, folks; any old and staid Republican could potentially do the same thing.  No one, ladies and gentlemen, gets my First Amendment.

The first question is also an easy one to answer: because Islam has the West in its gunsights.  Literally and figuratively.  And the so-called “good” and “moderate” Muslim keeps silent and quaking in his boots for fear of the True Islam.  My phrase “Islam is as Islam does” isn’t merely some trite coinage; it’s the absolute truth.  Do the reversal: substitute the word “Catholic” for all the death and carnage committed at the hands of and in the name of Islam and imagine what the state of Catholicism would be today.

People say that, after all, these kinds of thing can’t happen here and that Texas Fred and I are simply religionists and terribly over-reactive.  One tiny point: people also intimate that Texas Fred and I are racists and to that I laugh out loud: the dolts and cretins making this remark are themselves ill-educated and give away their obvious poor public school days: Islam is a religion and not a race.  Such goobers.

It can’t happen here, you say?

Really?  Watch:

Ah, nothing like the goodness and kindness of Leftists and Islamists working in concert to eliminate the truth regarding Islam.  As so clearly illustrated by Texas Fred’s guest writer.

Plus this:

You think the First Amendment isn’t already threatened?  You think that Islam doesn’t already have a foothold in America?

Then you would be foolish.



See two linked articles about the Portland event, here and here.


Feds suggest anti-Muslim speech can be punished

Islam BeheadsFrom Josh Gerstein in Politico:

A U.S. attorney in Tennessee is reportedly vowing to use federal civil rights statutes to clamp down on offensive and inflammatory speech about Islam.

Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, was quoted by the Tullahoma News this week suggesting that some inflammatory material on Islam might run afoul of federal civil rights laws.

“We need to educate people about Muslims and their civil rights, and as long as we’re here, they’re going to be protected,” Killian told the newspaper.

While threats directed at individuals or small groups can lead to punishment, First Amendment experts expressed doubt that the government has any power to stop offensive material about Islam from circulating.

“He’s just wrong,” said Floyd Abrams, one of the country’s most respected First Amendment attorneys. “The government may, indeed, play a useful and entirely constitutional role in urging people not to engage in speech that amounts to religious discrimination. But it may not, under the First Amendment, prevent or punish speech even if it may be viewed as hostile to a religion.”

“And what it most clearly may not do is to stifle political or social debate, however rambunctious or offensive some may think it is,” Abrams said.

A conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch, accused the Obama administration of using federal law to specifically protect Muslims from criticism.

So I suppose Mr Killian wouldn’t much care for my blog.

Killian said Internet postings that violate civil rights are subject to federal jurisdiction.

“That’s what everybody needs to understand,” he said.

But be careful, sir, about that precious First Amendment.  Because when you lose the Second, you naturally lose the First.  And you, Mr Killian, are doing your best to hasten, concomitantly, the demise of the First.

Cut down from within.

Just as history has seen for many powerful nations, over the span of time.

Be very, very careful.

And you, ladies and gentlemen, be extremely protective of your First and Second.


Because, after all, those people pictured above need to be protected more than you.


Swedish “youths” riot in Stockholm: a euphemism for Muslims

Swenen Riots[And thanks to Darren for pointing this out to me. –BZ]

From the UKGuardian:

Stockholm rioting continues for fifth night

Swedish police seek reinforcements after youths set ablaze cars and attack property and schools in poorer suburbs of capital

Police in Stockholm are to seek reinforcements after youths set cars ablaze and threw stones at police for a fifth night running, officials said.

About 30 cars were set on fire in poorer districts in north-western and south-western parts of the Swedish capital on Thursday night, with rioters causing widespread damage to property, including schools. However, a police spokesman said the overnight violence was less intense than in previous nights.

Euphemism: “youths.”  But inquiring minds might well ask — actual journalists — who are these “youths”?  They are portrayed as “immigrants.”  But what kind of immigrants?

What the rest of the media isn’t telling you: they are predominantly Muslim, and male.

And they’re not much interested in assimilating; they are, however, interested in remaining in enclaves.

That they don’t necessarily wish to assimilate, to integrate, to learn a new language and a new culture, that is, I submit, not the fault of the Swedes.  It is, however, their problem to solve.

Does this sound like a quagmire encountered by most all westernized countries?  I would submit: yes.

And let me take it one step further: it is not the host country’s job to assimilate the immigrant’s former country.

Let this statement percolate about a bit in your wheelhouse:

“In the old days, the neighbourhood was more Swedish and life felt like a dream, but now there are just too many foreigners, and a new generation that has grown up here with just their own culture,” he said, gesturing towards the hooded youths milling around in Husby’s pedestrianised shopping precinct.

“Also, in Sweden you cannot hit your children to discipline them, and this is a problem for foreign parents. The kids can feel they can cause whatever trouble they want, and the police don’t even arrest any of them most of the time.”

I think that person hit it home.

That said, this column absolutely nails the issue.  Read it carefully:

“Sweden has been trying harder than any of the countries in Europe to try to push for integration. We have invested virtually billions from taxpayers’ money into it, we have tried everything that the scientists have presented – and still it’s not working,”

“They live in their area, and they feel the area is their own. And when the police arrive, they feel they are you intruding into their, sort of, ‘country.’ The police… who work in these areas, there have to be in two cars, one protecting the other. People are trying to maintain buildings, to have security guards, the fire department can’t work, they get attacked by angry immigrant youth that feel like they’re intruding into their own area, even though they’re trying to help,”  the chairman of the Sweden’s National Democrats Party Marc Abramsson told RT.

The Truth In Stockholm: “They Don’t Want To Integrate”

Youth gang Muslim riots in the Swedish capital Stockholm have entered fifth straight night. Hundreds of mostly immigrant teenagers (?)  tore through the suburbs, smashing windows and burning cars in the country’s worst outbreak of violence in years.

Finally.  Someone daring to write the truth.