US Muslims: majority want Sharia Law HERE

ISLAM WOMEN IN BLACK CHAINSWait.  Doesn’t that conflict seriously with what various and sundry GOP advocates are saying?

And aren’t they Conservatives?  Aren’t they trying to shame you for attempting to think a bit more in depth about Islam?

Oddly enough, I wrote about this back in 2015, when the Center For Security Policy revealed its discoveries.  Please see my two posts, “The Myth of the Moderate Muslim In America,” and “The Myth of the Moderate Muslim in America Pt. II.”

And now from an updated Jihad Watch article, please read this:

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

by Robert Spencer

Really, what did you expect? A considerable portion of U.S. domestic and foreign policy is based on the assumption that Islam in the U.S. will be different: that Muslims here believe differently from those elsewhere, and do not accept the doctrines of violence against and subjugation of unbelievers that have characterized Islam throughout its history. But on what is that assumption based? Nothing but wishful thinking. And future generations of non-Muslims will pay the price.

Precisely, Mr Spencer.  Apologists for Islam attempt to striate the difference between Islam in Europe vs Islam in America as the loving embrace of American assimilation.

But what if Muslims don’t or won’t assimilate on either side of the pond?

Do we just make an assumption about the US as opposed to Europe?  And wouldn’t Boston, San Bernardino and Orlando have something to do with this “assimilation”?

In berating GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson for suggesting a loyalty test for Muslims seeking high office, CNN host Jake Tapper maintained that he doesn’t know a single observant Muslim-American who wants to Islamize America.

“I just don’t know any Muslim-Americans — and I know plenty — who feel that way, even if they are observant Muslims,” he scowled.

Robert Spencer responded:

Tapper doesn’t get out much. If he did, chances are he’d run into some of the 51% of Muslims living in the U.S. who just this June told Polling Co. they preferred having “the choice of being governed according to Shariah,” or Islamic law. Or the 60% of Muslim-Americans under 30 who told Pew Research they’re more loyal to Islam than America.

Oh come on Spencer.  We are told every day, every hour, that so-called “moderate Muslims” have the back of the Average American.  It is a lie that Muslims in America are working against us.  You’re nothing more than a racist.

Oh wait.  Except that “Islam” isn’t a race.

If Tapper did a little independent research he’d quickly find that America’s most respected Islamic leaders and scholars also want theocracy, not democracy, and even advocate trading the Constitution for the Quran.

These aren’t fringe players. These are the top officials representing the Muslim establishment in America today.

So as “major players,” what do they really think and advocate?

• Omar Ahmad, co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the top Muslim lobby group in Washington: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

• CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.”

• Imam Siraj Wahhaj, director of the Muslim Alliance in North America: “In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing. And the only thing that will remain will be Islam.”

• Imam Zaid Shakir, co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, Calif.: “If we put a nationwide infrastructure in place and marshaled our resources, we’d take over this country in a very short time. . . . What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Muslims.”…

And there you have it.

What Muslims in America truly think.

“Moderate Muslims” in America?

You tell me.



Reflections on Orlando: we’re not learning

Muslim Kills 49 Orlando Gay ClubApologies for the lack of current posts. Personal issues. — BZ ]

The US is not learning from the radical wave of Islam that is thundering across Europe right now and, of course, it is having its own effects here.

I’m referencing the San Bernardino shootings from December of last year by Muslims and most recently the Orlando gay bar mass shooting on Saturday night/Sunday morning in Florida.  This Islamic fuck — whose name isn’t warranted printing here on my blog — now holds the “record” for the number of persons killed in one US mass shooting, at 49 murdered and 53 wounded.  (Except for Antietam, where roughly 22,000 persons were killed in one day, American vs American, and perhaps Wounded Knee.)

The wife of this piece of shit was a clear accomplice and should be charged as a co-conspirator to murder.  She knew that, on June 4th and 5th, he purchased a 9mm handgun and an AR-15 rifle.  She knew how false he was.  Of what his dogma truly consisted.  You cannot live together and now know, unless you are continents away.  They were not.  She knew his heart.  She knew what he was.  And what he wasn’t.  Specifically, she knew about the attack.

Oh, but wait.  It was not an AR-15 the Islamic fuck possessed.  It was a Sig Sauer MCX carbine which shares no major parts with an AR-15.  At all.  The MCX also  Of course, how can you fault the American Media Maggots?  Everything, as you well know, is an AR-15.  This is no mistake, naturally.  This is called a narrative.


And like good anti-gun Lefitsts, everything evil must be an AR-15.  Therefore the ammunition for AR-15s must be eliminated as well.

Clue into this, Leftists: again, like the bulk of most recent shootings in the US, he was in compliance with the current gun laws for the area.  Further, he was a security operator for a company that held a contract with the federal government.  He not only had to pass local security laws for possession of various weapons — as a security operator that guarded federal facilities — but had to pass federal background checks.

And did.

Further, the FBI conducted two separate investigations into the suspect.  They found nothing.  They cleared him.  They met with him three times.

We — the United States — we are not learning.

The Muslim fuck was working for a multi-national security company that employs about 625,000 people with many contracts to the US federal government.  A “security company” can range from someone guarding a parking lot to persons providing specialized security for special ops American forces on the ground — as with those highlighted in the “13 Hours of Benghazi.

With these contracts, the federal government required a security backgrounding of every employee.  Both sides failed to report.  The Muslim fuck had two gun licenses.  One was for the rifle — the “AR-15” — and it is unlikely he would have acquired these licenses had his employer known of the FBI investigation.  They proscribe even “contact” with the FBI.

AR6[ Hillary Clinton, as an aside, is wrong again as the bint she is.  The “AR-15” she falsely said was involved is not a “weapon of war.”  It is a rifle.  It shoots semi-automatically.  It is in fact used by hunters.  What she really objects to, like most Leftists, is that it has odd bits and angles that make it, with its black color, appear to be completely sinister in their over-imaginative minds. ]

The FBI concluded it lacked sufficient evidence to go forward with even what they call a “preliminary investigation.”  But whatever they found out about him, they should have told his employer.  In that they failed.

Let me repeat for the abundant Leftists amongst you here and now: the Islamic fuck Omar Mateen (okay, sorry) passed every background check required by the state and by the federal government.  He was never “institutionalized” as well.  But there’s more; just wait a few paragraphs.

Captain Obvious: the bar was a “No Gun Zone.”  Right.  Larfs all around.  But nothing works against a gun like?  Right.  Another gun.

Columbine, Newtown.  All of these mass killings took place where the government prohibited people from protecting themselves.  A “gun free zone” is like shooting fish in a barrel.  Gays or not.

A LE axiom: when an assailant is confronted sooner rather than later, lives are saved.  Period.

Leftists immediately jumped to gun control.  And the American Media Maggots helped to buttress that so-called “argument.”

There was no call from the Oval Office to Orlando.  Party politics.  Leftist Obaka to Republican Governor Rick Scott.  Didn’t happen.

There is no doubt that the Muslim fuck was motivated by Islam.  His father was a supporter of the Taliban.  The Muslim fuck himself cheered when planes struck the WTC on 9/11.  Inspire magazine exists to, eh, “inspire” after all.

On the other hand, it could be clear that the Muslim fuck was sexually confounded.  He could have been trying to resolve various homosexual issues that he finally applied to the Pulse gay bar.

I suspect there were a number of motivators of the Muslim fuck.

I suspect that he was conflicted with his own personal sexuality.  I suspect that he realized the inherent conflict that exists in the Middle East — a conflict that very few persons seem willing to address in the Western Media.  That is to say, the conflict that exists between small boys and older men.

In the ME form of Islam it does not seem to be disagreeable that small boys are penetrated anally for sexual satisfaction.

US soldiers in ME assignments realize this rather rapidly: “women are for procreation, and boys are for fun.”

That brings us to the “bacha bazi” dancing boys.  Click at your own disgust.

Muslim Bacha Bazi BoysThe secret shame of Afghanistan’s bacha bazi ‘dancing boys’ who are made to dress like little girls, then abused by paedophiles

  • Bacha bazi, meaning ‘boy play’, is a tradition found across Afghanistan, where boys dress as women and perform

  • But these boys, some as young as 10, are also sexually abused by the men – passed around after the parties

  • The stigma of having been a ‘bacha bereesh’ sees the victims shunned by their families and society

  • However, ‘owning’ more than one boy is seen as a display of both power and wealth among some Afghan war lords

  • See full news coverage and stories from Afghanistan at 

For some deviant reason, in the ME form of Islam, this is not considered a form of pederasty.  Only when one transitions from boys to men is buggery considered verboten by Islam.  And by that the Islamic fuck found himself conflicted.  He was not attracted by boys.

He liked men.  He hated America.  He may have been spurned in conflict of his religion.  It only takes one blowjob to make someone a “homosexual.”  And that appellation of “homosexual” is completely unacceptable in Islam.

As a conflicted homosexual, to attack a gay bar would solve the bulk of his problems.  It would resolve his unstated sexuality, and it would place him into a place of importance within Islam.  Let’s kill gays.

But instead of Islam or violence or philosophy, instead, according to Obama and his sycophants, it’s all about guns.

If guns were the issue, then what about Belgium?  What about France?  What about the UK?  What about California?  These locations all have the strictest gun control imaginable.  California has the strongest, most constrictive laws on the books of any state — and they are creating even more.

And yet it’s about the tools and not about the root cause.

To Leftists: let there be no mistake.  Barack Hussein Obama has drawn the battle lines between Islam and gays.

Guess what?  Islam wins.

“Evil always wins through the strength of its splendid dupes; and there has in all ages been a disastrous alliance between abnormal innocence and abnormal sin.”
— G.K. Chesterton


The most immediate goal of Leftists now?  To eliminate those weapons which have detachable magazines.

Trust me.


San Jose PD should be ashamed of itself


For doing very little when people were getting attacked and injured at the Trump rally in San Jose last Thursday — sometimes right in front of officers.

Perhaps I’m missing some kind of embedded and secretive point, but I saw a lot of indifference on the part of SJPD as Trump supporters found themselves hit and, like the Trump supporter in the red shirt, chased down by protesters and assaulted.  This is just the first video.  But wait; there’s more.  Oh yes, much more information.

Law enforcement operates on ROEs — Rules of Engagement — that come from command staff and also from city hall and/or the mayor.  I know that.  I spent 41 years in law enforcement, 35 years for a major California agency easily twice as large as that of San Jose’s 900 officers.

San Jose Mayor Sam LiccardoLet’s be clear.  The mayor of San Jose, Sam Liccardo, believes that it is the fault of the Trump supporters for being assaulted.  Liccardo said:

The mayor, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, criticized Trump for coming to cities and igniting problems that local police departments have to deal with.

 “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign.”

Completely ignoring the actual behavior of the unfettered Leftist rioters under the Leftist mayor’s SJPD Chief Edgardo Garciasnarky little nose last Thursday.

With that kind of rhetoric, you can mostly be assured that San Jose PD Chief Edgardo Garcia got the phone call from Liccardo, which was then was passed down via limp-wristed ROEs to the Watch Commander that day and then to the troops themselves.  Just as with Anaheim PD.  Stand down.  React only to the very worst.  If you absolutely must.  I’ll get back to that, however.

Until then, let us note just who was so terribly pleased when Edgardo Garcia was appointed — not elected — as San Jose’s Chief of Police in March of this year. Continue reading