More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics

Newsweek_Racist_Baby_ReduxI am astounded by this poll.

It represents the truth, but I still find it amazing to have seen the light of day.


Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Read the rest of the article.

That said, do you think this video had anything to do with the polling results?

Of course not.  And AG Eric Holder — a black man — actively deciding to not prosecute this incident on behalf of his black president?  Why, that would have nothing to do with this poll.

Would it?

Philadelphia did it again in 2012:

Whilst in the mid-90s, my Robbery Bureau supervisor (when I was a detective in that bureau) told me that I couldn’t publish the actual stats in my department regarding robberies because it could be interpreted as racist: 84% of the robberies in my entire county were perpetrated by blacks affiliated with black gangs.

My then-division commander in 2000 told me that I was not selected for promotion because I was a white male.  She at least had the balls that other male captains hadn’t.

Opposing ObamaCare is racist.  Not wanting to employ a criminal makes you a racist.  The History Channel is racist.  Your toaster is racist.  Your baby is racist.  Your cat is racist.

Anyone besides me starting to find this crap tedious?

Stupid but true and caught on video:

Stupid but true again: Mr Obama will pay for blacks’ gas and mortgages:

Tawana Brawley?

The news reports at the time, in the late 1980s, were horrific. Tawana Brawley, a 15-year-old African-American girl from the New York City area, was said to have been abducted and repeatedly raped by six white men. She was found with “KKK” written across her chest, a racial epithet on her stomach and her hair smeared with feces. She was so traumatized, according to reports, that at the hospital she answered yes-or-no questions by blinking her eyes. Making the crime even more vile, if that were possible, she and her lawyers later claimed that two of the rapists were law enforcement officials.

Ms. Brawley’s spokesman was the Rev. Al Sharpton — a dapper television personality and political commentator these days, but a fiery street activist back then. At a news conference, he named suspects.

Then, of course, it all fell apart.  Complete and utter fabricated crap.

And about six months after the hoax, Ms. Brawley’s former boyfriend told Newsday that she had invented the allegations, apparently to avoid a beating by her mother’s boyfriend after running away from home for four days.

Which was the most racist party of all historically?  Correct: Democrats.  Which party freed slaves?  Correct: Republicans.  With what party was George Wallace affiliated?  Correct: Democrat.  What party was Martin Luther King, Jr affiliated?  Correct: Republican.

Facts you do not hear or read of from the American Media Maggots.

AMM - American Media Maggots 1Who are today’s Racial and Poverty Pimps?  Correct: Sharpton and Jackson.  Check their financials.  Ask actual questions.  Have an actual inquisitive mind.

There are so many other places I could go and other things I could say.  And, of course, I know nothing about this.  Not because I’ve been in law enforcement for 42 years.  And not because I see it every day via my wife’s house, isolated, in Ghetto Centrale — a place she cannot afford to leave, where the scrawny black dude down the street slings dope every day and where our law enforcement budget is slashed to make way for the expansion of social services enabling even more Free Cheese in Fornicalia.

So, truly, am I shocked by this poll?

Not at all.  It finally starts to reflect the actual situation, in at least my state.

Does the worm begin to turn?




Senate passes immigration bill, 68 to 32

Amnesty Clears SenateFrom the

Vowing they’ve learned the lessons from the 1986 amnesty, the Senate on Thursday approved the biggest changes to the immigration system in a generation, promising this latest version will prevent another wave of illegal immigrants while at the same time granting a pathway to citizenship to most of the 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country.

The 69-32 vote, which saw 14 Republicans join all 54 of the chamber’s Democratic caucus members support it, is likely the high-water mark for immigrant-rights advocates, who held prayer vigils and watching parties Thursday in anticipation of good news for illegal immigrants who’ve been waiting, in some cases for years, for legal status.

Then you have the insanity of John McCain:

“Shouldn’t we give them the same chance that we’ve given wave after wave of immigrants?” said Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican who has worked on this issue for years and who was one of the eight senators who wrote the bill that passed.

As McCain says, “wave after wave” of the illegal Mexicans.  So he wishes to call those endless waves of lawbreakers as citizens.  So those waves will obviously continue.  Why shouldn’t they?  There are rewards for lawbreakers.

Now, on to the House.


Amnesty Cartoon


Truth illustrated by an ever-expanding list:

Obama, The Face of ChangeBZ


Welcome to Monday: “Illegal immigrants who commit crimes face lesser punishment than U.S. citizens”

From the


According to Sen. John McCain, a member of the Senate’s Gang of Eight, criminals will not be legalized under the proposed bipartisan immigration bill.

“Anyone who has committed crimes in this country is going to be deported,” the Arizona Republican declared on the Senate floor last week.

However, as Washington Examiner columnist Byron York recently reported, “the bottom line is an immigrant could have more than three misdemeanor convictions in his background check and still qualify for legalization.”

Wonderful.  We need more drunk drivers.  In Fornicalia, drunk driving is a male Mexican misdemeanor mainstay.  14601 CVC, or driving on a suspended license, used to warrant bail in Fornicalia jails.  Now, absent a felony warrant, fresh felony or misdemeanor commitment warrant, 14601 individuals receive a cite and a court date.  So, yes, Fornicalia certainly needs even more of its own male Mexican drunk drivers.  There are many multiply-convicted illegal Mexicans puttering around on Fornicalia highways with suspended licenses — drunk — just waiting to become “introduced” to you or your family via 4,000 pounds of metal.  That’s just one instance of popular crime.

The Gang of Eight’s bill would allow illegal immigrants who entered the country before Dec. 31, 2011, and committed up to three misdemeanor offenses including but not limited to assault, battery, identity or document fraud, tax evasion, to remain eligible for Registered Provisional Status. Meanwhile, U.S. citizens and persons who entered the country legally could incur up to $100,000 in fines,15 years of imprisonment, or be prohibited to reenter the country for up to 10 years.

Now, you have to admit, that’s wonderful news for a Monday.  It simply follows up on free tuition for illegal Mexicans in Fornicalia’s universities.

How many people have said illegal Mexicans are here to only work, not to acquire Free Cheese?  Here’s an ad that screams for free healthcare, in Fornicalia, for illegals:

C’mon, ladies and gentlemen, she’s just “undocumented,” not illegal.

Wrong is now right, down is now up.




Rubio: Legalize Illegal Immigrants So They Can Fund Border Security

Legalization For AllHonest.  I swear.  I had another post envisioned for Saturday but, when I came across this article at, it got kicked to the curb because — in concert with my Thursday post — Republicans seem to be displaying the intelligence contained within the pot of an average houseplant this week.

To wit:

On Thursday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said one reason illegal immigrants must be legalized as soon as possible is so they can help fund border security measures by paying taxes and fines. 

During an interview on “The Andrea Tantaros Show,” Rubio, as Byron York points out, first said there was no choice but to legalize at least 11 million illegal immigrants because he said the country “cannot wait another four years” to enact immigration reform.

He then said illegal immigrants needed to be registered “as soon as possible” so the fines they pay into the system help fund border security programs. 

“We need to register them as soon as possible, not just to keep the problem from getting worse, but we’re going to require them to pay a fine, and that’s the money that we are going to use to pay for the border security,” Rubio, said, according to York. “If we don’t get that fine money from the people that have violated our immigration laws, then the American taxpayer is going to have to pay for border security.”

Does anyone besides the ol’ BZ see any kind of a problem with this urgent registration?

For those amongst us who need a bit of a nudge and a prompt, let me suggest this:

Illegal immigrants are, by their very nature, law breakers.  It’s why they fall under the category of, uh, “illegal.”  Hello?  Definitions?  Words?  Actual meanings?

So what it is about the nature of Illegal immigrants that Mr Rubio thinks will somehow suddenly yield lawful activity?

As in, magically willing to be “fined”?

Because here’s the alternative to “fined:” they can simply continue to do what they currently do best.  Exist as illegals under the radar and still stay in the country to work or conduct illegal activities or stick their proboscis into the vital and nutrient-rich streams of social welfare.

In conclusion, allow me to refine the words Mr Rubio leaves unrefined: illegal Mexicans.  Mexicans are from Mexico, a nation conquered by Spain, which is why they speak Spanish and not Urdu or Swahili.  The United States is not suffering from an illegal tide of French or, say, those from Eritrea or Luxembourg or Vatican City.  Mexicans.  Illegal Mexicans.

So let’s just do what I call the Logical Extension, Mr Rubio.  Illegal Mexicans have no real motivation to “pay fines” if the status quo does not change.  And where will you get these fines, pray tell, when lawbreakers decide it’s not in their best fiscal interest to “obey” said laws?

With finality: yes.  The American Taxpayer.